I close my phone and I get up. Alexis smiles and we go out the apartment. We lock up and we go downstairs. We walk to the trail and we run.

After the run, we climb the stairs and we head to our apartment. Xander and Alexander are sitting outside of our door. Um...what ??? They both stand up as we walk up. Alexis asks "What are you guys doing in front of our place?" Alexander replies "We were going to surprise you both, so we could all hang out." Alexis answers "Well we went on a run, so you both can hang with us after the shower." Alexander smirks and in my mind, I swear I know what he's thinking. He's thinking or we could hang in the shower ... ew cringe. Xander says "Okay well, we will come back over in 30 minutes and give you both time to shower. See you later." They wave and walk off.

We open our apartment and we walk in. We close the door and we head to our rooms. I grab a navy blue striped dress with tank top straps. This dress is so casual and it has pockets, so it literally is amazing. I walk to the bathroom and I shower. After the shower, I slip the dress on. I brush my hair and I blow dry it. I walk back to my room. I text Xander I'm out of the shower. Idk about Alexis though. You guys can come over. I text Alexis You out of the shower? She texts back Yep just a second ago:) I text Xander Okay Alexis is out. I close my phone and I pick up stuff off my bedroom floor. I think I need to go clean my clothes somewhere on campus. I'll look into that later or tomorrow. I walk out my room when I hear a knock on the door.

I open the front door and I see the boys. I let them in and they kick off their shoes. Alexis walks out of her room and hugs Alexander. I ask "So, what do you all want to do?" Alexis replies "Do we have board games? I might have one in my room I think." I reply "I think I have some in my room. I'll go check." I get up and I run to my room. I look around and I see the games. I pick them up and I bring them out. I set them down and I see Alexis has brought two games out as well. We decide to play Disney Junior Monopoly. I brought it from my home. My family never likes playing it and I love it, so they won't miss it. I choose to be Gabriella and Xander is Troy. Alexander picks Phineas and Alexis picks Kim Possible. Haha major throwback ...

We play the game and we all enjoy it. Then, we play Headbandz and it's fun as well. Alexander was a fire hydrant, Alexis was ketchup, Xander was a fly, and I was a dog. Haha!!!

After we play the last two games, we all lay out on the couches. Alexis turns on Netflix and tosses me the remote. I ask "How far are you boys into Psych?" Xander answers "To be honest, we haven't been watching it." I ask "So, do you guys like it or is it too boring?" Alexander replies "I liked it. I thought it was funny." I say "Okay well, anyone have objections to watching Psych?" No one answers, so turn it on. We end watching 4 episodes. Then. Alexander and Alexis go to her room.

Xander asks "What do you have planned for today other than our date?" Do I tell him about Justin? Idk. Well I guess he will find out anyway. I answer "Well I'm going to be posting my second video of singing with Justin. We agreed to make two videos and post them one week apart." Xander replies "That's so cool. Could I watch it before? Please, I just want to hear you both sing together." I reply "Sure come on follow me." I turn off the tv and I get up. We walk to my room.

In my room, he sits on my bed as I get my laptop. I bring it over and I set it on our laps. I open my videos and I play our video. After we watch the video, Xander says "Wow. You guys are such great singers. How come you never sing here or at school?" I reply "Well personally, I don't like singing in front of a large group. Singing at school was never fun to me. I sang with school in elementary school, but I never felt like I was having fun and really apart of something. I like singing in front of groups of 4 or less. It makes me more confident and comfortable. Can you sing?" Xander laughs and replies "Not at all." I close my laptop and I bring it to my desk. I set it down and I  walk back over to Xander. I say "I can't wait for our date tonight." He replies "Me too." He leans over and kisses me on the lips. I wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his arms around my waist. After the kiss, he says "I've been waiting to kiss you all day. I missed your lips on mine. By the way, you look beautiful today in that dress." Sometimes I see this college boy in him, but sometimes I see this nerd. Haha I guess everyone has an alter ego or something of that sort. I reply "Well the kiss was great as usual. Thanks, you look great yourself." He smiles and pecks me on the lips. He says "Although I'm enjoying the kisses and seeing you, I don't want you to get tired of seeing me since we have a date tonight. I think I might head back. I want to relax a little at the apartment. I know we have like 3 or four hours." I nod and smile. He can be so cute and sweet. We both stand up and walk out my room. He puts on his shoes and kisses me goodbye. I walk back to my room and I pile all of my dirty clothes up in a pile.

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