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The plane ride was a long one. By the time the plane had landed in Colorado, Jack was extremely stiff and sore. He stood up, and stretched, hearing the sickening pop of his spine, and sighed. He followed the other passengers out of the plane, and to the landing gate to acquire his bags. Jack stood at the baggage line, looking out for the neon green and black suitcases Phil helped him choose.

The suitcases arrived minutes later, and Jack grabbed them, and exited the airport. He walked out, and was hit with a blast of cold air that made his hair fly over his eyes. He shivered, thinking it would have been a good idea if he had dressed a bit warmer. Jack had put on a light jacket, and a pair of dark grey pants and sneakers. It wasn't warm enough, and he waved his hand to signal a taxi driver. One pulled up instantly, and the driver helped load his suitcases into the trunk. Jack quickly climbed inside the taxi, and the blast of warmth made him smile. He settled in, and strapped on his seatbelt. As the driver drove off, Jack stared out the window, thinking of the trip. He had it all planned out. He'd stay the night in a hotel room, before taking a rental car up the mountain resort, where his vacation began.


Jack arrived at the Ski resort 18 hours later. He was to excited to sleep, so he didn't really sleep much. He parked the rental car and pulled out his suitcases, and stopped to admire the view. It was quite breathtaking. The resort was on the side of the mountain, and overlooked miles and miles of wilderness. Everything was white. The snow was everywhere, cold and present. The tops of trees were visible, standing out against the snow. Jack pulled out his phone to take a quick picture, and tore his eyes away from the view.

He walked into the lodge, and welcomed the warm and cozy feeling that spread through Jack's body. His cheeks flushed from the cold, and there was snow on the bit of green hair that peaked out from under his grey beanie. He walked up to the checking counter, where a nice looking woman was speaking to a woman in front of him. He could here the conversation, and it was strange.

"I know what I saw! He looked human, but he couldn't have been! He was so white, and had blue hair! And his eyes......his eyes" the woman whispered in a scared voice. "The man, he tried to kill me! I barley got away" the woman said, almost hysterical. The lady sighed, nodding.

"I understand ma'am, but there was no one seen that fits that description. But if it helps, we'll keep an eye out for the man." She says. The woman nodded, and and walked away, flinching by Jack, and out of the room. Jack watched her, frowning. What could the woman have seen to upset her so much?" Jack turned around and looked at the desk lady. She gave him a small smile.

"Welcome to the Valhalla Ski Resort and Inn. Are you checking in, or out?" She asks.

"In" Jack says. She types on her keyboard, eyes on the screen.


"Sean Mcloughlin" He says. The woman nodded, and scrolled down.

"Ah! Here you are sir. Okay, sign in on the clip board there, and your room number is 394, and here's your key" she says, and pulls a small silver key with a tag labeled 394. Jack accepted it, and signed in on the clipboard. "Now, about the resort. Skiing is from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. We ask that you always sign in, and out. We also have a cafe where there's an all you can eat buffet on Saturdays, and there is also a 24 hour spa. Please enjoy your stay, a bellhop will help you with your luggage" she says, and indicates the man dresses in a brown and red uniform. Jack thanks the lady, and follows the man to his room.

Once they made it up there, Jack unlocked the door and the bellhop places his suitcases on the bed. Jack tipped the man, and he left with a nod. Jack stared around his room. It wasn't a suite, but it was amazing. A single master bed was against the wall, and there were pictures of different snowcapped mountains. A large TV sat on a long dresser, and a bowl with complementary chocolates sat next to it. Jack pulled open the closet, and deposited his suitcases, and shoes. He stretched, still slightly sore from the plane ride. He made a mental note to visit the spa after he went skiing.


A few days later, and Jack was having the most fun he's had in awhile. He skiied all day, and she he returned, the café always had a cup of hot cocoa waiting for him. "Free of Charge" the young barista said, when Jack tried to pay her the first time. Jack had never felt more relaxed. The wind in his hair, the cold snow, the breathtaking view, Jack loved it.

It was his fifth day staying at the resort, and he had a heaping portion of pancakes for breakfast, before he grabbed a pair of skis and headed out again. It was lightly snowing, and the wind picked up a bit. Jack strode past two men, who were having a headed debate. He caught a bit of the conversation,

"--- and light blue hair! I swear Sam I saw it!" The shorter one said. Jack stopped in his tracks, startled. It couldn't be the same man the lady from the desk saw.....could it? The taller one shook his head.

"I think you've had to much to drink Dean. Come on, they have cocoa inside" he says, and pulls his friend off. Jack stared after them, but shook his head, and continued on to the ski lift.


Jack stood at the top of the mountain, stating down at the path. It was snowing a bit more heavily than earlier, and the wind seemed to be against Jack today. It bit at Jack's nose and cheeks, pulling at his hair. Jack only pushed down his goggles, and pushed off from the ground.

He sped down the mountain, blurs of trees past by him, and Jack let out a happy cry. He twisted around a jutting out rock, and down. The snow started to fall heavily, blocking some of Jack's view. He wiped away some of the snow, and nearly fell over. A huge clump of snow flew through the air, and smacked jack into the lining of woods. Jack cried out, and he slid down, hitting a tree, and he flew through the air, and rolled down the mountain. Jack flailed his arms, desperately trying to grab onto something, but there was nothing. Jack maneuvered his body, so he was sliding feet first down the slope. Jack tumbled over a overhang, and landed harshly against a jutted out rock. Something snapped in Jack's right leg, and he shrieked out in pain, and slid down the rock, and cried out. The pain was fierce, blinding even. He sat against the rock, and pressed lightly on his leg, and whimpered at the pain. It was definitely broken. He tried to move his left arm, but howled out, when it shifted painfully. Dislocated. His hands were covered in scrapes and bruises. He looked up, only seeing the tops of trees. How was he going to make it back? He had, regretfully, left his phone in his room to charge. Jack did the only thing he thought he could do: cry out for help.

"HELP! IM HURT! SOMEONE PLEASE! HELP ME!" He screamed out. Nothing but the wind answered. Jack continued to call until his throat was sore. The pain in his arm and leg was so fierce, Jack couldn't think straight. He was going to pass out. He called out once more, and leaned his head back against the smooth surface of the rock. He closed his eyes. This was it. He was going to die. Out here, all alone. His breathing was heavy, and he would whimper in pain. The quiet of the woods was suffocating.

Jack didn't know how long he lay there, in pain, dying. It felt like years. He was on the verge of consciousness, when he hears something. Something like footsteps. His eyes open, but his vision was blurry. His heart sped up, but it wasn't a human, it was an animal. He could here his breathing. He blinked hard, clearing his sight, but he gasped at what he saw. A pale grey wolf stood inches from his face, it's hot breath fanning Jacks face. Jack whimpered, but couldn't pull away, he was frozen with fear. The wolf didn't move, just stared at him. There were more footsteps, and a figure approached Jack and the wolf. The wolf looked back at the figure, and it yipped. The figure spoke in a harsh language Jack couldn't make out, but the wolf backed up. By then, Jack was on the verge of passing out. The figure squares down, and looked at Jack. It spoke its harsh language in a deep voice, and a breath of cool air hit Jack.

"H--Help" Jack managed to say, before darkness consumed him

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