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Wesley's pov;

I pace around my room with my hands in my hair as I begin to have an anxiety attack. I quickly open my closet and pull out my sketch pad and pencils and set them on my desk.

I sit down with my head in my hands as I try to think of what to draw. An idea pops into my head I pick up my pencil and begin to sketch the image in my mind. My breathing begins to shallow as I begin to concentrate more on my drawing.

I begin to forget about all my problems as I begin to lightly draw the fingers of the two connected hands. I soon finish the drawing and begin to add details to the drawing.

Soon the drawing is done and I'm blankly studying it and capturing every detail.

One of the hands is grasping the other one firmly holding on to it like it needs saving or begging for it to stay.

I closed my sketch pad and gathered my pencils and put them back safely in the closet where they could not be found.

None of my family knows that I draw it's sort of like a hidden talent you could say. I plop on my bed and unplug my phone from the charger. I shove all my loose papers into my binder and slide it under my bed.

I go onto my Instagram and waste my time continuously scrolling watching art videos. Something is different about every one that is so satisfying to me.

But my favorite art was art that came into mind and drawn without thought.

I continue to watch art videos until I get bored and search my bedroom in need of my earbuds. I find them on the top of my dresser and plug them into my phone.

I go onto the Spotify app and go to my playlist and click on it. Pink + White by Frank Ocean begins to play. I raise the volume and the music begins to blast into my ears as I drift off to sleep.


so that was my first chapter. i hope that you all liked it! sorry that it was so short it's the first chapter and i just wanted to give you guys some details about wes's personality in this story. please let me know if there are any typos whatsoever! i hope you all are enjoying the story so far, i will try to update next week if possible!

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