Invictus: A Soldiers of Light Story

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(Authors Note: This is the first crossover event/reference to a character created by another destiny author. Credits to the naming of these characters go to BrightShiningWolf. And ShadowPine  Thank you guys you are the best.)

Off in the ruins of New York City, the Eliksni guardian Sidriks is looking for the fallen war criminal known as Skolas. The air was cold, sharp and some clouds were overhead. The warrior walked among the abandoned buildings and cars for what felt like hours. His feet were sore, and his eyes were tired. "Oracle, how long has it been since I last slept?" He asked the Ghost. "It has been about one hundred and twenty hours since you last slept."

Sidriks has been roaming around the abandoned streets for hours coming across tiny in comparison to his adventure that he had only an hour ago on Venus with James and the others. Something that had peaked his interests was the massive tunnels in the lower parts of the city. There were sorts of tunnels beneath the earth before the collapse, but these were different they were larger as if they were tunneled out by some other means. Humans didn't need tunnels of that magnitude, especially considering that they were on an island.

His ghost had told him that there was only one other place in the solar system with tunnels like that. Mars, where the Cabal occupy the planet. These tunnels were created using massive drilling machines to create holes in the mountains and ground of Mars to construct bases of some sort. That was the planet that his friends were going to next. As for him, he was hunting for Skolas, the former Kell of the House of Wolves. "You told Petra that you were going looking for Skolas, but you never mentioned why. Can you fill me in please?" Oracle asked him.

"Many years ago, on my home planet, I had a daughter named Shandri." He stated to the Ghost. "Shandri grew to be one of the strongest warriors on earth, and in our house; attracting the attention of the Eliksni military. They recruited her, and when the whirlwind came, we were devastated. After the whirlwind was over, we fought over what was required for our species to survive; this fight lead to an eventual civil war between the houses. In that war, Shandri was captured by the House of Wolves. Skolas is the only being in the house who is old enough to remember; I intend to find my daughter. No matter the cost."

"That's a rather noble gesture," Oracle replied to him. The Ghost had bound itself to Sidriks only four days prior, however, she felt as if they were the greatest of friends. Or as great a friend as she could possibly be. Sidriks was her guardian, and she was proud to be the Ghost of the first Fallen guardian in existence. The warrior was just so interesting to watch from his own eyes. With each drop of blood he would spill, she felt as if she got to learn more about him. His deeper internal struggle with home and heritage. Sidriks despised his own kind for what they did to his daughter, to his family. She had known that for a long time, but the way that it had manifested itself was truly something to behold. His abilities were unlike that of any other guardian that had come before him, he was different.

The destroyed streets of the city had continued to bore him until he came across something unexpected. It was a warlock and a hunter walking in the street. But there was something strange about them, the two had no weapons on them. And they were holding each other's hands. Curious, Sidriks hid in the building that was nearby, hoping that he could get a better understanding as to why they were here. The building was damp, and it had some kind of reading material inside, he picked up a book titled, "Wondrous Existence" it was a small book that had very little damage and signs of degradation on it which made the nature of it being here even more peculiar. Sidriks read the back of the book, and it made no sense.

The language on the back of the book was illegible in comparison to the front cover. Sidriks took the book with him transmatting it to the ship for himself to check out later. The two passed in front of the store where he was hiding inside of, he heard the hunter laughing. It was a girl from all he could tell. Sidriks clambered up the building so that he could watch from a distance, to hopefully not draw attention to himself. He looked out over the horizon to see the sun begin to set, as the sky turned from a light blue to an orange of some sort. The setting sun reminded him of his homeworld. He recalled that that was when he had proposed to his wife, under the setting sun. Upon reaching the top of the building, he continued following the pair of guardians as they walked down the city streets.

After following the two for about thirty minutes, Sidriks began to grow bored of watching. That is until he saw another Eliksni on top of a roof looking into a large skyscraper that the pair of guardians were going inside of. Sidriks took notice of the color of the Captain's armor, it was a dark blue. "A lone wolf." He thought to himself. Sidriks then began to run toward the massive building that the being was on top of. He saw the fallen take out a large wire rifle, one that was heavily modified to fit a different task. "Those were the wire guns that were used in assassination missions in the days of the House Wars." He thought to himself.

Sidriks activated his Shadowsneak ability, allowing him to climb the facade of the building to make it to the top. By the time he finally got to the upper part of the building he heard the crackle of the wire rifle fire, then the sound of broken glass. He took the captain by the neck and held him over the side of the building. "WHERE IS SKOLAS!" he exclaimed. "Begone!" The captain stated to him as Sidriks squeezed tighter around his neck.

Then the two Eliksni heard an earth shattering scream from the inside of the building. "KRONAH!" They heard a voice call out. Sidriks picked up the captain and slammed him against the floor putting his shrapnel launcher up against his face. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" He exclaimed. "I followed my orders." The captain replied. Then the sky above began to turn black, and flashes of blue light appeared in the heavens then bolts of lightning descended from above striking the ground close by with a crack. The thunder left Sidriks with a ringing in his ears. "WHY! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!?" He asked the captain. "Consider it a wedding gift from Skolas." The captain stated laughing. Sidriks then picked up the shooter and threw him off the building and into the other.

The lightning in the sky began to strike the top of the skyscraper. With each second that passed more and, more bolts would connect the tower with the heavens. "Skolas, what have you done?" Sidriks stated to himself. Sidriks from the outside heard an earth shattering scream from the inside; electrical bolts began to flow outward breaking more of the glass as it went; The bolts were so large and so powerful Sidriks could feel the energy surging through himself. "KRONAH!" With that scream, a large bolt of lightning struck the building four blocks to the left of him destroying it. That building was about twenty stories tall.

"Oracle, we need to leave," Sidriks stated to his Ghost. The two faded out of the city and into the sky above. It was evident to them that whatever happened to them, it was enough to destroy buildings. Meanwhile down in the city, the warlock Charon was weeping over the body of his dying girlfriend. "Please don't go." He said to her.

"Charon, come closer." She said. There Kronah took the ring from Charon and placed it on her finger. "Yes." She said giving him a kiss. Then she fell limp and lifeless. Charon's eyes began to glow a bright blue, as memories of her and him together began to flash through his head. Then he let out a scream so loud it cracked the glass on the helmet he had lying on the ground. Lightning continued to strike around the building, and his hair began to stand on it's ends becoming spikier, and it started to turn to a cyan color. Lightning continued to emit from his body as the building he was standing in began to glow from the power being returned, then fading out due to the over voltage.

"KRONAH!" He screamed for one final time. Then a massive bolt of lightning struck the building to its very foundation, right into Charon himself. The resulting shockwave was enough to disintegrate the entire building turning all that was left into a crater. With blue luminescent tears streaming down his face Charon took the dead body of his wife and in the cavity of the building he destroyed he buried her. And took a cross beam of metal in the shape of a cross and staked it above her grave etching into it using his arc enhanced powers. "Here lies Kronah, the center of my universe." Then with one final scream, he sent an electrical shock so powerful it was able to knock out the power in the Last City on the other side of the planet, for three minutes.

Sidriks returned to the tower to speak with the vanguard of the power that was unlocked within the warlock who was inside of the building. Charon, himself, felt access to the power that lies beyond the mortal limitations of guardians. A power that lies deep within all of them; its name; Invictus.

Invictus : A Shattered Past Side StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant