Chapter 13

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Dakotas POV

BEEEP! beeep! beeep! Well that was my alarm clock i have to get up at 5:30am because LeAnn has graduation today and we all have to get up and niall has something speacil planned for leann today so we all have to get up early. As i went into LeAnns room i saw niall holding LeAnn very tightly like he never wanted to let her go .  NIALL LEANN GET UP WE HAVE TO LEAVE BE 7:15AM NOW GOT UP NOW OR YOU DONT GRADUATE TODAY!!!! " OK, OK I HEAR YOU LOUD AND CLEAR!" yelled back Niall

Nialls POV

LeAnn get up now or no more kisses for today. " you wouldn't" she said. Them watch me not kiss you all day today. " ok fine i am up and now i am going to go to the show-" i got cut of by niall kissing me. Ok now you can go take a shower i just need to do that really quick. I told her " ok well thank you that really madde me wake up." i told him and went off to the shower.

LeAnns POV

As i got out of the shower i picked out what to wear i got out a light blue American Eagle dress, sliver sparkly heels, curled my hair, and i put on a light coat of makeup. As i was looking at myself in my full leght  mirror Niall walked into my room. " hey LeAnn are you ready- wow leann you look gorges " Niall said. Well thank you niall you dont look half bad yourself, now lets go, we have to go or we will be late. i told him. " ok Leann." said Niall. Hey niall were are the boys at? i asked him. ' oh they are in the car waiting for us." he said, oh ok. i told him.

The Boys POV

Hey LeAnn you look beautiful today, they all said at once. " well thank you boys y'all don't look half bad yalls self." i told them. Well thank you leann we try very had. said louis. " ok guys we are here leann has to go to the gym and sit in her spot and we are going to sit in the stands." Dakota said. OK boys y'all need to behave ok no jacking around please. i told them. Yes leann we will be good we promise. liam told me. " ok leann go we don't want you to be late bye babe i love you." niall said and gave me a quick peak on the lips. " Bye i love you too." i told him and left.

{ At Graduation }

As the principle was calling out names i was getting really nervous because i was next. " LeAnn Smith" as i was walking across the stage to get my diploma i could hear the boys yelling things like " I KNOW HER" OR " I LIVE WITH HER "  i was not mad i was embraced. " ok students please move your tassels to the left side and on the count of 3 throw your hats up. 1. 2. 3. " said the principle. And we all through our hats up and cached them.

LeAnn pov

As i was walking back to Niall and them i saw him and he saw me and we started running to each other and i ran and hugged him. " congratulations LeAnn you did it you graduated " niall told me. I know niall i am so happy I did it. I told him and kissed him. " congratulations LeAnn we are so proud of you " said all the boys and they hugged me. " now LeAnn lets go home we have that speacial thing waiting for you" Dakota said.

 { At Home }

Dakotas POV

Ok LeAnn when i count to three we wont you to open your eyes. Dakota Said, Ok 1.... 2.... 3.... open. he said.  " oh my god, am i dreaming?" i asked, No LeAnn you are not the boys and i got this for you for your birthday. he said. " yall got me an  2014  black Catalic Esclad Yukon with captain seats in the back, black leather seating, this is just what i wanted! thank You guys i am so happy this was always my dream car since i was a little girl thank you., thank you, thank you guys i really appreciate it . " LeAnn told us. Well you very welcome you deserve it as much as we deserve you leann. i told her.  " your welcome LeAnn " all the boys told me. " ok well its getting pretty late i am going to go to bed good night guys thank yall so much i love you guys." LeAnn said then went to her room.

LeAnns POV

So as i got to my room i changed and went to my bed, but then i felt a big dip in the bed and i knew it was niall. " Hey babe i missed you today even though i was with you all day." Niall told me. I missed you too niall, thank you so much for the new car i really like it babe thank you again you did not have to do that. i told him. " well LeAnn you deserve it, now go to sleep i love you good night princess. I love you too niall. i told him and drefted off into a deep sleep.

{ in the morning}

Leanns POV

I got woken up by my phone ringing, i noticed the number it was UOA ( UOA stands for " Universty Of Arizona ) as i anwsered it it was  Mrs.Hush. Hello, " yes LeAnn i am sorry to tell you this but we have to have you come to the collage sooner or you cannot attend this collage" said Mrs.Hush. Ok how soon are you talking? i asked her. " well you have to come November 13, 2013" she said, Ok Mrs.Hush i can do that just email me my ticket and stuff and i will be there asap. i told her. " ok thank you LeAnn " she said and then hung up. As soon as i got off the phone with Ms.Hush i knew it was only November 3, 2013 i know i only have 10 more days to spend with Niall, i know he would be mad. "morning pricess whats wrong are you ok? "Niall asked very concerned.  Niall i have some bad news i told him....

                                                         TO BE  CONTINUED

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