Games of Chaos

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Games of Chaos – Book_Land -

Introduction:  Felicity Zyree was a high school student with no friends and bad grades. Her only comfort is being surrounded by the spirits that hover between this life and the next. Leilana her twin sister, was the very opposite, she had everything: good grades, friends, popularity and athleticism, but not even Leilana was prepared for this: her twin and her were demigods. Leilana and Felicity are thrown into the world of Greek Mythology along with everything it has to offer, including this year’s frightful Games of Chaos. Will the twins survive their first year at Camp half-blood? Or will they die in the victorious Games?

Critique:  This is an extremely excellent story.  Fantasy is one of my favorite genres and I thoroughly enjoyed your story.  You truly are an amazing writer, and have wonderful attention to detail.  Usually details get lengthy and I focus more on the dialogue, but you had the perfect amount.  I wouldn't change a thing.  However, I've personally never read any of the Percy Jackson books, so I'm not entirely sure, but this seems like a fan-fiction based on that series.  Which is fine, especially since you do such a great job of making the story your own. 

I really enjoyed Games of Chaos and rate it 7.5 out of 10.

Good Job!

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