Not much, but at least I didn't have to eat the cafeteria stuff all the time. Everything was a little smaller than I imagined. However, I guess it'd have to do.

I pushed past the door, lugging my two suitcases behind me; my mom carried the third.

My roommate was not here yet, which meant I had first pick of the beds. I threw my stuff onto the bed on the right and opened up my first suitcase.

I quickly closed it again, noticing that it was the one that held all my picture items and electronics.

Not the one I need, nor want right now.

I opened the one next to it, starting to take out my perfectly folded shirts.

"Harry! This is so exciting!" I turned to see a tall, fit figure enter the room. She had long brown hair and was carrying a small backpack and a suitcase. An even taller brunette, covered in tattoos stood next to her, dragging in another suitcase and a box.

What the actual fuck. He is hot as shit, but my father would have a heart attack if he laid eyes on this guy, and would automatically have my room changed.

My eyes caught his and I quickly diverted my attention–intimidated and nervous– before landing on the petite girl.

I felt my hands get clammy as the young man kept his gaze trapped on me, though. I started to feel like the room was closing in on me, as I desperately tried to gasp for air.

He's still staring!

His jade green eyes bored into mine as I glanced back to him. No doubt in my mind that the tattoos that were etched into his skin made him look eighty percent more attractive, yet slightly terrifying. His sort-cut curls fell into his eyes as he set the box down on the girl's bed before he lifted his hand to push his hair out of the way. His muscles flexed in the process and suddenly, I couldn't stop staring.

Not going to lie, I thought that it was a shame that he was with the girl. The things that I would do to get to know him. He was just too damn perfect. The way his jawbone became more defined as he clenched his teeth— oh my lord... 

Realizing that I'd been staring at him for much longer than reasonable, I looked back to the girl who had just placed her purse onto the bed. Her smile grew wider as she dropped her other bags and made her way over to me.

I was surprised when she pulled me into a hug, squealing. I slowly hugged back, smiling as well.

This was kind of weird but I mean, at least she seemed friendly?

She pulled back, holding out her hand. "Gemma." Whoa, she has a thick accent. Is she British? This may just be fun!

I smiled, shaking it. "Khloe."

"Wow, you're gorgeous!" She beamed as she took in my appearance. I smiled and looked down to my feet, then back to her eyes.

I wasn't the one to normally get compliments like that. Usually, mine are something along the lines of, "Whoa, Khlo! Nice timing on your run today!" or "You held up that position pretty good! I think you get better every time I see you!" These usually would also usually just come from my coaches.

"Thanks," I chuckled. My eyes caught the boy again as he shifted on his feet, clearly waiting for her.

"Anytime!" She looked behind her shoulder giving him a smile. "This is Harry, by the way. My brother." He gave me a small nod, looking to his phone.



"This is my mom, Cathy," I stated, looking over at her standing by the door with her nose in her phone. Always working on something, even when she's not working, she's still working! She glanced up, giving a soft smile.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." She smiled and shook Gemma's hand.

"It's nice to meet you, too. Both of you." Gemma backed towards her bed, grabbing her phone and her purse. "I'm going to go with my brother to his dorm for a little bit. Would you want to grab dinner later?" She looked at me, still smiling.

She seems like a happy person. I like it.

Dinner sounded good. I wasn't quite ready to go out yet, though. I'd rather stay in on the first night and at least get settled a little before I went exploring the city.

"Yeah, of course!" I nodded and smiled back, turning to my suitcase as she walked out with Harry slowly trailing behind.

Just as the door clicked shut, my mom walked over to me, taking a pile of my clothes and hanging them on the white hangers.

"She seems nice," My mom commented. I nodded and folded the top over my now empty suitcase, placing it under my bed. After, I pulled out a bed sheet and placed it on the bare mattress along with the purple cover from my bed at home.

I glanced around the small room, looking at the difference between my old room and this one. Mine at home was much more welcoming and warm, but this room wasn't all that bad. I just needed to get a few things to make it not look as bare and cold. To make it more like a home, and less like a prison cell.


Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora