Chapter 9

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The moon was high in the sky that night. Perfect lighting for the plan that we were about to set into action.

"Remember Varric, I won't leave until I see the smoke signal. Pelle, once you see the signal, set the glyph to explode so that it starts a forest fire. When the guards see it, they will have to call for backup and I'll be able to go in." I said, going over the plan with them.

Pelle nodded his head, his body trembling slightly. Varric gave me a smirk as he replied, "Right! I already have the smoke set up! Pelle put a barrier around it so that it could come up with so much smoke it will actually look like a fire!"

I felt a smile upon my face as I looked at my friends. All that was left was for them to leave and for me to wait for the signal. As they began to walk away, Varric stopped in his tracks and looked back at me, his face filled with worry.

" Solas. Be careful all right? You still owe me one, after all." he said.

As I was about to answer him, Pelle called out, "Come on, before they see us leaving!"

"I'm right behind you kid!" Varric replied, and ran off to follow the boy.

A smirk fell upon my face as I watched them. He was right after all. I did still have to repay him for saving my life. I cast my gaze back towards the ground, and then heard the sound of a raven. I looked up and saw one flying by in the direction of my friends, but I thought nothing of it at the time. I then went back inside the house, prepared myself in case I needed to fight my way into the temple, and waited for the smoke to rise.

I waited for about 2 hours, but those hours felt like an eternity, but the smoke did not rise. I was beginning to become worried. Did they get caught while they were on their way? Had Lelianna known about our plan once more and encountered them? I tried to push the possibility of their imprisonment out of my mind and looked up at the sky once more. Still no smoke.

As much as I was worried about my friends, I knew I couldn't abandon my position here in Haven. I had to get into the Chantry soon; otherwise this would all be for naught. I climbed out of the window and shut it tight. I then began to try to sneak my way around the camp, hiding behind every building I found and ensuring that the guards did not see me. It wasn't until I looked over at the Chantry and saw the two men standing in front of it that I had to think of a way to get in without alerting the other guards, or worse, Lelianna.

I saw the smoke begin to rise in the air, and the guards who were watching that path cried out, "Fire! Fire! There's a fire in the forest! We need back up immediately!"

The two guards at the door immediately ran towards the cries of their companions. I could feel a smile of satisfaction fall onto my face as I snuck into the Chantry and silently shut the door behind me.

I turned and faced the girl sitting before me, chained to the middle of the floor with only the anchor to give me light in the darkness. The light brought out the features of Aelin, her vallaslin glowing and her skin looking nearly flawless.

As I approached her, she did not stir from her slumber. When I sat down beside her, it was hard for me not to look away from her face. She looked even more beautiful than she had in the Fade, and I found myself almost hypnotized by the innocence her face seemed to convey.

I shut my eyes and shook my head. What was I thinking?! This was not the time to be admiring someone's appearance! I wasn't sure how much time I would have, but hopefully it would be enough for me to take the anchor.

I lifted up her left hand and looked at it with fascination. What could have happened to cause Aelin to obtain the anchor? But as I lifted her hand up higher, the girl winced in pain. Was there something wrong with her arm? I soon received my answer as the mark crackled and spat out small green crystals as it grew. I could tell from the look on the girl's face that she was trying to hold back a scream. I placed her arm down gently so as to not bring her further pain.

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