Chapter 5

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I bolted up off of the ground, and then looked around me in confusion. Oddly enough, I found myself in a strange place. There were rocks floating everywhere and there was green liquid rushing across my feet. Was I in the Fade? If so, it was an area I had not explored before...and perhaps for good reason. I heard voices all around, all of them sounding terrified beyond comforting. I walked through the liquid, trying to find some solid ground, but there was none to be found.

I then heard a voice that sounded almost...sinister. Its laugh sounded almost exactly like that of the Pride Demon I had faced. "Well well, I never expected to find this in my domain!" the voice said, "One of the Ancient Elvhen! I'm not sure if I should give you reverence or mock you."

My face scrunched in irritation as I passed through the water, trying my best to ignore it. But the voice kept speaking as it said, "Oh how rude of me! I have forgotten that you are a guest and as such I should introduce myself!"

Then a being came out of the shadows as if by the means of a portal. The creature was misshapen; its back sprouting what looked like spider legs while its eyes were covered by horns that wrapped around its head. Its mouth had fangs leaking from the top, dripping with what looked like blood. The monster's tattered robes flowed as it circled around me. I could feel the frost surrounding it flow through my spine as I stood tall and unafraid in front of the beast.

It then stopped in front of me once more, and then said, "My my! Not only are you Elvhen, but you are the one who practically ended them, thus giving birth to all of their fears of the shemlens! I am honored to be in your presence my liege!"

The creature then bowed low as if to show more respect. I looked down upon the creature as it took my hand and kissed it where a ring would have sat. "Tell me, you who has walked this realm of dreams for over millennia, what brings you to my humble abode?"

"I thought you said you were going to introduce yourself beast." I said with a hiss as I snatched my hand away.

A laugh that could send a chill down the spine of the bravest of men came out of the foul thing's mouth as it said, "I forget that the Wolf was not known for his patience. "

It then teleported behind me and placed its fingers slowly upon my shoulders as it said, "I have been given many names by many beings over these past few centuries. The Darkness. The Monster under the bed. The Reaper of Men's Souls. The list goes on, but your people called me Banal'ras."

Then Banal'ras breathed down my neck and made as if to lick me. I ripped myself away from the monster and prepared my staff for an attack. Banal'ras only laughed as it looked upon me and said, "Oh how I have missed watching that look appear on your face! It has been quite some time since fear has clouded your mind. No matter, I have answered question, now you answer mine."

I looked upon Banal'ras with suspicion as I replied skeptically, "I am not sure how I came to be here actually. All I know was that I was lying on the ground, passed out, and now I am here."

The creature smiled a wry smile as it said, "You do not know? Oh I'm sure you know exactly why you came here."

"If I did do you think that I would tell you?" I responded harshly.

Banal'ras placed its claw like hand upon its chin as it replied, "No. I suppose not. I know I wouldn't if I were in your position."

Then Banal'ras began to walk around through the water as if it was pondering something. It looked over at me and said, "You obviously know where you are. You've been here before after all. When you fought against the Sentinels."

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