Stephen Strange ➳ None Rewind with Left Beef

Start from the beginning

"I want to get back at what Steve, Bucky, and Sam had done to me early today." you said, getting a little distracted by a ladybug fluttering close around.

"And what have they done?" Stephen watched your eyes trying to keep track of the ladybug until you lost its whereabouts.

"Uh," you blinked once, twice. The ladybug was gone. "They have left me behind in that swamp area. Eugh. it was so dirty and very creepy to be left alone at." You grimaced. "And I had to cross all the puddles and gross mud and those weird-textured algae." You shivered, cringing.

Stephen chuckled. "Is that why you looked like you had an overnight swamp party with Skrek and the fairytale friends?"

You crossed your eyes enough to see the ladybug trailing up to the tip of your nose.

"Oh, shut up," you rolled your eyes, watching Stephen booping your nose, and the ladybug crawled up to Stephen's hand. "So would you help me take revenge?" You looked up at him expectantly, eyes wide with hope. "Please?"

Stephen stared at you for a bit, looking like he was deep in thought. He hummed a little, teasing you with two more agonizing seconds. "I suppose I could pick a bone with them," he grinned. "I have unfinished business to settle with them."

"Yes! Let's go!" You cheered, getting up and dragging Stephen along with you by the hand.

You felt something get squished in between your hand and Stephen's though you did not give it much thought, your mind wondering what the doctor's unfinished business was.


After a roundabout you took with Stephen around the HQ, you found Steve, Bucky, and Sam watching some movie together in the common room. You ducked behind a couch, and Stephen followed. "So what's the plan?" He asked.

"Okay, so the plan is that you use the green eye necklace thingy--"

"The Eye of Agamotto."

"--yes, yes, that to loop and rewind things they are doing to slowly drive them insane." You looked at him, finding him looking back at you with a raised eyebrow and nodding for you to continue. "Step One: you loop a scene in the movie. Can you do that?"

"I can do that."

The TV screen showed a blue rat scurrying away from chefs all across a kitchen, stopped abruptly above a pot of boiling soup and gagged. You supposed it would have definitely tasted bad with all the water added to it.

The rat then started to add green leaves, leaks, cut onion, garlic, heavy cream, and a whole lot of other ingredients to the pot. As the rat was about to stir it, you saw Stephen in your peripheral vision working a green magic ring. The movie cut back again to the adding of ingredients scene again and again and again until it cut back to the beginning of the movie where the rat got separated from its family then went back to where the soup was served to a food critic, cutting to where it shown dead rats caught in rat traps, before rewinding to a sound of gunshot, and then having an old TV talking about a big chef and how his death had affected the rating of his restaurant. And for a finale, the credits came rolling down the screen.

In short, it was a wild ride of a movie.

You were having a field day watching how Stephen was editing the movie and how hunk #1, hunk #2, and hunk #3 were sitting in silence after the sporadic change of emotions they had gone through.

"Oh, my god?! Remy died?" Bucky shrieked, horrified by what they had just seen. Steve started to sniffle quietly, and Sam look like he had disconnected from reality.

It was a sight to see.

"Uh-I-I think it's a good time to go to sleep right now." Steve murmured.

"But it's 4p.m.?"

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