Chapter 4 - A magic city near the waterfalls

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"We have to get out of here!", Dwalin said.

"We can't!" Ori came running. „Our ponies, our horses, they're all gone!"

Radagast volunteered to distract the enemies by riding his sled led by Rascabel rabbits, I knew were one of the fastest animals on earth. Thus, while the group of orcs followed them on their wolfish creatures, we continued our journey, running as fast and as quiet as we could.

As for myself, I both hoped Radagast would stay safe and that he would lead all the orcs away from us – I didn't fancy to meet them.

And again – I should have known better.

Apparently Radagast had only led away one half of the orcs. The other one were running towards us and attacking us. I have always imagined how it would be should we meet orcs during our journey. I have always imagined me to squat in a corner, whimpering. But somehow, I didn't. My mind was alert and I concentrated on my task before me. Maybe it all went too fast, so that I didn't have time to fully understand that orcs were attacking us; maybe it was the courage now blooming in my heart due to Kili's recent words.

And thus, while the dwarves attacked the orcs and the wolfish creatures they rode with – with axes, swords and, in Kili's case, arrows – I put a barrier on every dwarf, which should serve as a protection.

"Where is Gandalf?" Somebody suddenly shouted.

Another one answered: "He has abandoned us!"

"He wouldn't have!" I said. „I think he's planning something!"

While saying this I saw something which made my heart jump into my throat and then stop. One orc beckoned his animal he rode with to run faster, with his sword raised – towards Kili, who was aiming for the orcs before him.

"Nooo!" I shouted, ran forward as fast as I could and pushed him out of the way. But it didn't stop the orc's attack and he sunk his sword into my shoulder instead.

It felt as though a burning hot iron was piercing my shoulder and I gasped in pain.

"Aurora!" Kili screamed.

"I'm fine!" I was panting. „We ... need to go on!"

And then Gandalf appeared and led us to a hidden cave. Thorin made sure everyone of us fled into the cave until he followed us.

Soon after, we heard a searing of arrows outside and the pained roars of the orcs, which meant someone else was attacking and killing them out there.

I sat down and grunted, when I took off my cloak. I saw it already was soaked in my blood where the sword hit me. I looked at my shoulder and saw a big gap in my skin. Muttering an incantation, I ran my staff over my shoulder and I felt it healing instantly.

Kili ran towards me: "Why on Middle Earth did you do this for? Are you mental?"

I raised my eyebrows: "Excuse me?"

"Why did you jump in front of that sword?", he asked.

"Because I didn't want it to hit you!" I stated. "I promised that no one will get harmed, remember?"

"Yes, but what about you?" He was furious. "Why do you want to sacrifice yourself for this?"

"How about being grateful because I saved you?" I asked him coldly.

"But not like that!" He went away leaving me fuming.

The cave apparently was not a cave but a path. A path to one of the most beautiful locations on Middle Earth – an ivory city surrounded by waterfalls and illuminated by the setting sun: Rivendell, the home of the elves.

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