character intro

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Male /Johnathon flare (water- water manipulation, vapour manipulation, hydrokenesis)

an optimistic, fun, caring 15 year old boy. He is always kind young boy but cares greatly for his family. After saving princess Maria from a kidnapping Johnathan and his brother Acea are offered an opportunity to start elemental high as second year students (class C, year 2, march 13) 15 years

Male/ Acea flare (fire - pryprokensis, temperature malipulation, )
An intelligent, observant and quiet 15 year old. After witnessing the death of his father he makes it his life goal to become a detective to bring his father's killers to justice and to protect those close to him so he can never witness tragedy again (class D, year 2, march 13) 15 years

Male/ manzar muhumid (earth- seismic sense)
A realistic, hardworking and crafty 14 year old boy. Manzar befriends asa at first to use ASA's but becomes close to him due to their painful pasts. Manzar makes it his mission to advance and become a different person that what environment he grew up in. (class D, year 2, December 8) 14 years

Female/ Maria Hearts, (water- ice manipulation)
A very focused, intelligent and independent young girl princesss Maria has a strong sense of justice and believe that the law trumps all. She grows a fondness for Johnathan after him helping her. Her goal is to take the crown and become a queen which can lead her country towards a better future (class C, year 2, april 13) 15 years

Female/ Luminous Gorgerina --- aka Gina (fire- light emittance)
You should be asking yourself this question, why do you not know about me already, you want sparkle, you want a light, you want to know beauty well look no further for you are already reading about me,(class A, year 1, june 20

Or an innocent angel yet positive in every turn. Her wish is to make others smile, but what makes her much an adorable little princess who's personality Brightness everyone's moods around her (basically magical girl with light powers)

Male/ mattew, (air - wind gusts )

Boundless potential but innisiscule drive or determination

just our average easy going, lazy boy with immense talents and strengths but would much rather read fiction. sleeping through classes. playing games when he is suppose to study and just spimply leaching off of hi hardworking mother. and is proberly going to forget tasks he had to do. but and i say but when it realy comes done to it u are sure mattew is going to take something seriously, but nope he is just doing to relax . he even stayed back a grade because he read books during the whole exam. its a good thing his mom is always their to bail him out (class c, year 1, january 7th ) 16 years

Male/ Sayyid melee, (fire- energy absorbing blackflames)

Hey u yeah u. Thinking that these intros are in all in third person. Idiot well suppose i will begin
I am a pessimist, a closet pervert and i am not easy to like. well maybe cause i never show my face and for #$#%$# sakes i am not a little boy. (class A, year 3, december 21) 16

Male/ Prince Justin dime heart -- (water- water manipulation, hydro kenisis)
Would you like some assistance cause prince Justin is here to help. Hard worker and wise boy. Those are hard to kind today. Before that was a way different story. Lol anyways the year 4 student and prodigy of elemental high. My intro may be short but...... behind his cheery persona lie a cold ruthlesss and near sadistic drive. No crime is unjustified, no evil is out of his reach once its for is sister he will do anything for her. Thou this personality still stands his cold heart is slowly warming is into an obsession want for Alicia. (Hes pretty much a sicko knight ). (class A, year 5, NA birth) 19 years quote

female / Alicia flare --(fire- electricity generation )

hardworking, focused, born leader, intelligent, strong, brave, absolutely gorgeous the embodiment of a role model. underestimated, shamed and judged alica lives her life for her family and will protect them at any cost.


justin knight

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