Sherlock Holmes (Character Study)

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Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes is probably the most extraordinary and remarkable person in the world. The greatest detective I have ever known, I am always perplexed by his ability to crack even the most impossible cases of all time. His sharp logic reasoning and his use of forensic science are only to name a few of the many brilliant qualities he has.

I, Doctor Watson, am lucky enough to be his best friend, or as it is often stated in the newspaper, “the detective’s right hand man”. Being more than happy to follow Holmes on his bizarre and exciting cases, I act as his look-out, decoy, accomplice and messenger. Though knowing that some of his cases are often dangerous and formidable, I can’t help but to listen to the voice in the back of mind telling me to follow. When you are in his presence, you can’t help but to see what will happen next.

Although his strategies are often hard to comprehend, with what seems to be the tiniest chance of success, behind that is a carefully laid out plan of logic and reasoning. Each step he takes, slowly unravelling the mystery of his latest case, I am often standing there, bewildered by his intelligence. He can draw the biggest conclusions out of the smallest observations. His course of actions flow so naturally and effortlessly, like water flowing peacefully through a river, that the enemy has no idea what is up his sleeve. Sometimes, if I listen so very closely, I can almost hear the gears in his ingenious brain clicking constantly, a steady rhythm telling him what to do next. When confronted with a mystery, his mind races away like a steam engine. The more curious and baffling the case is, the more interested and motivated he becomes.

Not only this, but he is a master of disguise. No, he is THE master of disguise. So clever are his disguises that even I fail to recognise him for who he truly is. Often going “under cover” to retrieve evidence and valuable information from people, he is left unseen by those he doesn’t want to be seen by, and thus, gaining what he needs.

However, there are some things that the public doesn’t know. Described in the newspapers as a humble yet radiant gentleman, with astounding qualities, I have to laugh. Sure, he is a gentleman, but having lived with him for many years, I continue to frown at his habits. His bedroom is a wreck, walls pinned with countless illegible sheets of paper, many science apparatuses used in his experiments scattered around the room, piles of letters stabbed into a table with a large knife to keep them from flying about, and the occasional half burnt cigar or two, are just some of the things he constantly leaves lying around.

Despite all this, he continues to dress very finely and reformed, always carrying a cane. Many people mistake Holmes as defenceless, but to their dismay, he is very skilled in martial arts, and not to mention, his use of various weapons, from his cane to a simple pistol. He is quite tall and slim, carrying himself around lightly, but nevertheless, he is not to be underestimated for his physical condition. Fewer men could compare with his muscular strength.

In his cases, he makes great use of his knowledge of forensic science. Using the minutest of clues, such as shoe and tire impressions in the ground, ballistics and handwriting analysis, he solves the case with ease. He does complain when the crime scene has been touched by others, especially by the police, and often tells them not to interfere. Hardly needing any help when it comes to solving a mystery, the police often grudgingly accept Holmes as their superior.

When he is not engaged with a case, I can describe Holmes as a talented musician. He is quite fond of his violin, often playing slow, serenading tunes in the dead of night, sometimes even as early as three in the morning! He does become restless when he has not been confronted with a challenging case for a long time, and I can almost hear his brain tearing itself apart with frustration.

There is no one else in the world that could compare themselves with Sherlock Holmes. He is the master of mysteries, the greatest detective that will ever live.

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