Hey people

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Yeah so stupid people need stupid hacks right? Duh. So if you are looking for stupid hacks just keep reading.

Hack #1) Keep reading these hacks

Hack #2) Use paper towels to curl your hair (The video is at top of page)

Hack #3) Don't eat burritos. We all know what happens when we do.

Hack #4) Binge watch the walking dead

Hack #5) Learn to love annoying people. Trust me they are everywhere.

Hack #6) Expect life to be... well......unexpected

Hack #7) ALWAYS STUDY EARLY. Seriously if you want to nail that test, get over with the studying early.

Hack #8) When your bored, read these hacks

Hack #9) Get a fish. I dont know why. But just get one.

Hack #10) Watch simply Nail Logical if you really want to live it up ( by living it up i mean laying in bed eating potato chips wearing your happy Holodays sweater.) Comment if you get the reference.

Update: Im going to write ten hacks per page so enjoy!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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