Fireflies Glowing Around Daisies

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"And that dino plushie you-"


Smiling(like an idiot he is), he suppressed his urge to jump up and shout 'YAYY!!' to the poor phone. Yeah, a poor phone. Whom get shouted to even though it has done nothing wrong but still, people shout at it, they throw it to the ground, some throw it to the wall to break it, some accidentally drop it, such poor.

He looked up for dresses, the wig, and all the properties his beloved Tsukki will need.

On the date...

Ding! Kuroo's house's doorbell rang. "Coming!" He shouted as he ran to the door. He opened the door, showing Tsukishima in casual clothes. "Hello, Kuroo-san." "Come in, come in!" he welcomed Tsukishima. "Please excuse me." He excused himself politely.

"Have you prepared the properties?" He asked. "Yup! I've looked for the dress and a wig!" "Okay." Kuroo took a bag from his room and put it onto a table. "What time we're supposed to meet? Did you tell Bokuto-san and Akaashi-san about it?"

"I said it's 11 AM, and we should meet at the station."

"I should go around now... Here." Tsukishima took the bag, he glanced around then said, "Where are the bathroom?" "You can change in my room?"

"....okay." He went in Kuroo's room and changed.
"......." He opened the door revealing himself, in a dress and holding the blond wig. "How do you put this on? I couldn't even make it straight."

"Here, let me help you~" "...." He sat down and let Kuroo do his hair. "You look beautiful, Tsukki!"

Tsukishima stood up and look at the mirror he found. "Oh wait, I forgot something." Kuroo clipped the pink bow on Tsukishima's wig, giving a bright contrast to his look. "...this is stupid."

"I did promise you a tart of strawberry shortcake and a Dino plushie right?"

"yes you did" it came out almost like a whisper.


"Don't do that kissy face."

"Aww, Tsukki!!!"


"Hi! You must be Keiko-chan!"

"Hello, Kuroo-san."

"You can call me Tetsurou."

He shook his head. "I prefer to call you Kuroo-san."

"Okay then. Where shall we go first?"

Tsukishima Keiko looked to his phone. "I want to go to that café." "Okay..."

Kuroo held out his hand, mentioning to hold his hand. Tsukishima looked at his and whispered, "do we really have to do this??" "Come on, just make the dating atmosphere!" "....." He pouted (rather cutely, according to Kuroo), then took his hand anyway.

Little did they know(they did suspect), Bokuto and Akaashi are somewhere in the crowd, stalking over Kuroo and Keiko and followed their steps. "Man, Kuroo's date is cute!" "....Bokuto-san, lower your voice." 'Does he really not notice it?!' Akaashi is mentally suffering for Bokuto's stupidness... or maybe he's just too blunt.

"Here we are!" In front of them, it was a café under the title 'Moonlight Coffee'. "Wow, what a beautiful place." Keiko rolled it eyes to the cliché name. "Don't judge a book by it's cover!! You'll like this place."

Love, Kuroo, Tsukishima. [One Shot Book]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن