Chapter 11

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  ~~~~Timeskip to a few days later~~~~

Your dad was glad to see you safe and unharmed. Unfortunately his stay was shortened due to something important coming up back at headquarters. You were sitting on a chair in a long, beautiful white sundress with brown frills and a white hat with a purple ribbon.

"Would you quit staring at me you creep!" You glare at Doflamingo with your (e/c) eyes. He grins wider licking his lips.

"Its hard not to stare at such a bewitching beauty like you (Y/N)." He walks towards you and hovers over you.

"Don't come near me you freak!" You slap him across the face and he just laughs.

"Hmm...It seems my fiance's a fiery little lady." He uses his String-String Fruit powers on you making you not able to move and he pulls you on his lap.

"L-let me go!" You start shaking.

"I like ladies like you. Fufufufufu." he said laughing pulling you into him and began to stroke your silky, (h/c) hair.

"You're disgusting." He gets mad and pulls your hair.

"Oww l-let go! Please!" you squeal. He chuckles and licks his lips.

"I like it when you beg me." He grabs your breast and you squeal.

"Don't touch me like that you disgusting perv." You yell and he just laughs more as he violates you.

Meanwhile with The Heart Pirates. They found out what island you were on but they were having a little trouble finding your exact location. Ironically enough, The Straw Hats were on the same island, Law runs into Luffy and his crew while looking for you.

"Oi! Tra-guy! Where's (Y/N)?" Luffy asks confused.

"She was captured by Doflamingo, Straw Hat-ya. We're looking for her now." Law says trying to leave out the part where she's being forced to marry that scumbag.

"How did that bastard get out of Impel Down?" Zoro asks.

"I have a feeling Akainu made a deal with him in order to take her from us and bring her back to him." Law tries to reply calmly.

"EHHH?! (Y/N) IS WITH MINGO?!" Luffy gets an angered look on his face.

"The question is what would that feathery bastard get out of it?" Sanji wonders aloud.

Law doesn't want to answer but of course Bepo chimes in.

"He wants to marry her." Law shoots Bepo a glare. "I'm sorry." The fluffy bear bows.

"Great! How are we going to take this weirdo out again. I hope Sugar isn't with him. I really don't wanna knock that brat out again." Usopp injects.

"I heard some townspeople talking about a wedding earlier. Maybe they were talking about (Y/N)." Robin comments.

"Did they happen to say where it was being held Nico-ya?" Law asks.

"At the church near the edge of the island." Robin replies.

"I guess thats where we're headed." Zoro states.

Back at the church.... A few women were dressing you up for the wedding. They put your hair in short little pigtails and put a big strapless wedding gown on you. To be honest you felt beautiful, but you didn't wanna get married to a douche like Doflamingo.

Your tied up in the church hall, just staring at the floor to be greeted by Doflamingo who has a creepy wide grin on his face. He is in a black tuxedo and lifts your chin up to look at him.

"My doesn't my bride look beautiful." He licks his lips. "Fufufufufu maybe I should just make you mine before the wedding." You glare at him in disgust.

"You wouldn't dare! I'm not even into you. I love Law, not you. Besides he is a much kinder person towards me and doesn't force me to do anything."

Doflamingo just laughs.

"What are you laughing about?" you ask.

"My dear it seems you don't know Law like I do. He used to work for me Fufufufufu."

You stare in shock. "Your lying! Law would never..." He cuts you off.

"He did my dear, before he decided to betray me. I'll tell you everything about the man you 'love'. Fufufufufu."

He begins to tell you Law's past and your shocked to hear everything. 'No, The Law I know would never... But.....No I still love him, past is past. I love you Law.'

"Past is past. I will love Law no matter what." Doflamingo frowns at that.

"Well, sweetheart it seems its time for the wedding to begin." He uses his String String Fruit powers to move you towards the alter along with him.

"I'm not marrying you! Let me go!" You squirm.

~~~Time Skip to 15 minutes late cause I'm lazy and don't feel like adding a lot of detail~~~

"You may now kiss the bride."

"I'm going to do more than kiss her Fufufufufu." Doflamingo leans in with a smirk.

"Room" The room turns blue and your suddenly in Law's arms.

"Law-sama!" You begin to cry. Doflamingo growls.

"Everything is okay now (Y/N)-ya. Go outside with the others. I'll take care of Doflamingo." You nod and kiss him on the cheek than run outside, leaving Doflamingo and Law alone.

"GOMU GOMU NO RED HAWK!!!!!!" Luffy busts in totally KO'ing Doflamingo in one hit! Law looks at Luffy with a pissed of look.

"(Y/N) Where are you!" Luffy calls out for you.

"Oi! Straw Hat-ya! What was that about?! I had him!" Law yells at Luffy.

"Ehhh? If you did where's (Y/N)?" Luffy shouts.

You and the rest of the crews walk back in to find Luffy and Law arguing and you just giggle. "You just don't change do you Luffy."

"(Y/N)!" Luffy smiles and runs over to you and for real trips this time and lands face first into your breasts nearly pulling the top half of the dress down. You fall down with Luffy on top of you. "(Y/N) I was so worried about you." He says oblivious to where he landed.

"Luffy, I appreciate you being worried about me but if you don't get your face out of my chest in the next 5 seconds I'm going to throw you in the ocean." You try to smile and try to hide the 'Tch' mark on your forehead. Everyone else just laughs except for Sanji, Brook, Shachi and Penguin who pass out from nosebleeds due to seeing excessive cleavage and Zoro and Law don't laugh either because they don't like where Luffy 'landed'.

Luffy gets off of you and you fix your dress so no one else can see your epic wardrobe malfunction and you punch Luffy in the head. "Second time I've been violated today."

"What do you mean by that?" Law asks.

"Um.... I prefer not to talk about that."  

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