Entry 1- The First Day of School

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12:00 p.m.

Today is the first day of my fifth year at Hogwarts. I said goobye to mum and dad per usual. Here I sit in the same compartment with my cousins and my older brother Albus, James is in another compartment with his friends. Hugo is trying to talk to me but I really just don't want to talk so I'm ignoring him, is that wrong of me? I know it seems snobby but I am too lost in my own thoughts to carry out a conversation with him about useless things right now. We are almost to the station where I can loose him at the carriages. Anyway I hope to write later after the feast, but who knows maybe I will, maybe I won't. Wow I am even ignoring you, my one true friend. I will write later.

7:00 p.m.

I sat at the Gryffindor table at the end as far away as possible from the rest of my housemates. I clapped as enthusiastically as possible, which wasn't very enthusiastic, whenever we gained a new first year. After it was all done and Headmistress McGonagall had said her speech, we were presented with food, which I pushed around my plate, more than I ate it. I sat there and then got up and left, not that anyone noticed. I slipped out while everyone was still eating, I looked over my shoulder and saw Headmistress McGonagall give me a questioning look, but did not stop me, so I carried on down the hallway. And here I write in you, sitting in the East Tower, maybe being alone is what is best for me. No one makes an effort for me so why should I make an effort for them. Wait someone is coming up the stairs, write later!

10:30 p.m.

Well I know that was unusual ending to my complete solitude but, it was even weirder that it was my brother's best friend Scorpius Malfoy. He was acting really weird too. The sixth year Slytherin asked me a bunch of questions that really I couldn't answer because he didn't give me a chance to but then he asked "Why did you leave the feast early?" and that caught me off guard because not many people actually would care. Why did he ask that I asked him and he said that he was just wondering. Then I got up and left with out a word to answer any of his questions. Well anyway I'll write to you tomorrow the other girls in my room are asking me to put out my light so.... time for another sleepless night.


Lily Luna Potter

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