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"Don't let go!"  I exclaimed as Scott attempted to remove his hands from the tight grip he had on my arms. "Relax, I won't let you fall." He said, letting go of me, but still staying close enough to save me if I were to lose my balance and tumble off the skateboard Scott was currently trying to teach me how to ride.

"Do you trust me?" He asked. I looked at his tall, broad frame, blonde hair, styled up perfectly, and beautiful, sparkling, ocean blue eyes. He was impossibly attractive, and he was all mine. The amount of trust and respect I had for him was astounding.  "With my life." I replied.

He smiled his gorgeous smile and stepped back slightly. I hesitantly put my left foot down on the ground, and pushed back, just as Scott had shown me earlier. The board went faster than I had expected it, and I nearly fell off of it, but I regained my balance just in time. I rolled down the sidewalk, Scott half-jogging beside me. "I'm doing it!" I exclaimed. "Good job babe!" Scott said "Keep it up Kitten." I smiled at the cute nickname. We continued down the sidewalk, Scott encouraging me the whole way, and occasional giving me pointers.

Suddenly, the wheel of the skateboard hit a large rock. It jolted forward violently, sending me flying off. I closed my eyes and braced myself for impact, but it never came. I opened my eyes and found myself suspended in Scott's arms. I hugged him as best I could in the position I was in in his arms. "You caught me!" I exclaimed. He chuckled. "Of course I did, what did I tell you?" he said. "You can always rely on me." He leaned down and gave me a light kiss. We rested our foreheads against each other's, just staring into each other's eyes, enjoying the moment. "I love you Scott." I whispered. "I love you too Mitchie" He replied. I realized that he was still holding me. "Are you going to put me down now?" I giggled. "No, I don't think I am." He said, and began walking back home with me in his arms, leaving the skateboard there tipped over on the sidewalk. We certainly got a lot of looks on the small journey back but neither of us cared, we had each other and we were happy, that's all that mattered.

Once we arrived back home, he deposited me on the couch and proceeded to jump right on top of me. "Scott! You're crushing me you dufous!" I yelled, trying to push him off, but it was no use. He was sprawled on top of me, jokingly bouncing up and down (carefully of course, he would never intentionally hurt me). "Get off me! I'll love you forever if you do." Scott laughed. "You already do." He rolled off of me and stuck his tongue out at me. "You're right, but I'm still gonna kill you." I said, inching towards him. He jumped of the couch running away from me. I giggled and ran right after him, chasing him all around the house.

Several hours and four episodes of Spongebob later, it occurred to me that we had left the skateboard on the sidewalk where I had almost died (Okay maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but I could have been seriously injured! Skateboards are evil) I lifted my head off of Scott's chest where it had previously been resting. "Scott? We left your skateboard outside." He laughed a bit. "I know, it's fine." He said. "Shouldn't we go and get it? Why didn't you grab it before?" He giggled and kissed my cheek. "Relax baby, you're much more important than the skateboard. I can just buy a new one. I'm way to comfy to move right now." I laughed and rolled my eyes. "You fücking dork"


So that's my very first one shot! It's pretty shitty but at least I tried. Hope you enjoyed it :)

-Hailey ♡

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