We walk out the classroom and we check our phones to see the time. We have 3 minutes, so we run to our English class. We get there and we set our stuff down. We turn our homework in, put our brochures away, and we sit back down. We get our notebooks out and we get ready to take notes. Professor Bell walks in and begins class.

After English, we walk outside. I say "I'm still freaking out about our teacher. Ah! Wow. That stunned me that she thought so highly of us." Alexis replies "I know I'm so happy." We sit with each other and the boys show up. They both seem out of it or maybe just hungry. Xander asks "Ready for lunch?" I reply "Of course. Let's go." We walk to the car and we get in. I ask "How has your day been?" He replies "It went okay. I don't want to talk about it right now. How was your day?" Now I feel guilty for some reason. I lie and say "Oh same ole same ole school." He nods and continues driving. I text Alexis Don't mention the happy news from class this morning. Xander had a bad day and also let Alexander know to keep quiet about it. She texts back Well I hope lunch makes him feel better. Alexander is not doing well either. Idk what's up. I haven't told Alexander about it :) I text back Yikes. Well we can tell them tomorrow or later maybe. Idk.

We pull into the pizza parking lot. Ooh! I love pizza. We walk in and we get slice of pizza. We sit in a booth. Xander sits and stares at his food before he begins. Something is up with him. I need to make him feel better somehow. Maybe I'll pick some dessert up for him because personally dessert makes me feel better when I'm sad. Soon after, Alexis and Alexander show up. When they sit down, Alexis says "What is you guys favorite pizza? Mine is veggie." I reply "Mine is either veggie, pepperoni, or cheese. Honestly depends on the place." The boys both say nothing. I say "I'll be right back. I'm going to the bathroom." Xander replies "Don't take too long. I'll miss you." I kiss him on the cheek and I say "I'll be back." Instead of going to the bathroom, I walk back to the line. I get four cookies and they are put into a little bag. I bring the bag to the table and I set them down. I say "I was lying. I never went to the bathroom. I thought we all deserved a cookie. Everyone gets one." Alexis replies "Thank you Clarissa. That's so sweet." Alexander says "Yes thank you. Cookies are amazing." Xander says "Yeah thanks. Yum." Everyone takes one and I get mine. We all eat the cookies and we head out.

Xander opens the car door for me and I get inside. He gets inside and we drive back to school. I say "So, I'll meet you outside after class today right?" He replies "Yes. I'm glad to get back to my apartment." I ask "Are you excited for the weekend?" He answers "Yes I want to sleep in so bad." I reply "Also, remember I'm planning our date for the weekend." He replies "Gosh how could I forget? Want to let me in on what it is?" Real answer: I have barely been thinking about it because I thought I could do it quickly. Haha! Whoops. ... I reply "Uh no. I'm going to keep it a secret." He answers "If I can add my input, please just don't make it too fancy because I'm not in the mood to be fancy." I nod and reply "Okay." I wasn't even planning fancy if I planned something. Haha. Fancy uh no.

We arrive back at college and we park. We get out the car and we head our separate ways. I head to Business Through Technology:) yay! I loved this class last time. I hope it is as fun as it was last time.

After class, I head outside to wait. I see Alexis and I sit next to her. She says "Hey girl. I feel bad that they were so sad. What should we do?" I reply "I'm going to try to steal Xander's keys when he walks up, so I can drive us to frozen yogurt or ice cream. Whichever he prefers. Idk." She replies "Oh wow. What a clever idea. I'm just going to snatch the keys from Alexander as soon as he pulls them out." Haha! What clever tricksters we are. I answer "Ooh good plan. Best of luck to you." She replies "And to you as well."

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