8. He's Losing Me...

Start from the beginning

Ungrateful dunce...

I bit my lip and held my breath when I saw his brows pull together and his lips purse making his dimples appear more accentuated than before. After a minute I just heard him sigh and he shrugged telling me to follow him.

"I don't think you'll like the party anyway," was all he said before he made his way to the car park—he's a senior so he had permission to leave campus at night.

"I don't even know your favourite colour I countered not sure whether I should be happy or not with where I am, "Yet, I'm allowing you to buy me junk from this unknown drive thru diner,"

He just raised his right eyebrow in a challenging way and smirked. Instantly, I remember seeing his privates. My face was beetroot as the image of him naked flashed before my eyes. I turned my face forward directing my gaze on the mud splattered, red 4x4 in front of us, hoping that he couldn't see me blush in the dim lighting. The tension in the car was bad enough already.

"Emerald green," he said thoughtfully after a few seconds.

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"My favourite colour is emerald green," he said in voice that indicated his mind was elsewhere, the thought made my face fall a bit, "You know, like your eyes?"

My heart fluttered at his words. I was still facing forward and I risked a smile to myself. Keller really reminded me of someone I knew when I was younger...

"I like 'em too," I smirked looking out the window noticing there's a candy shop right across the street "I'll meet you in the parking lot, just get me a caramel latte and a cheese burger. Kay?"

I didn't even wait for him to respond, I was already on the gravel road of the drive thru, making my way across the street.

"I'll have ten jaw breakers, a Dubble Bubble jumbo pack, two boxes of candy canes, six Cadbury milk chocolate bars, a gummy worms jumbo pack, gummy bears jumbo pack, a pack of original skittles—jumbo of course—and a jumbo pack of MnMs pretzel," I call out my mental list to the bored looking girl behind the cashier, she had the smoothest, darkest skin I've ever seen she was beautiful and had a kind of glow.

"Would you like my doctor's number too?" she asked her eyebrows near her hairline.

I smirked at her.

"Naw I gots this," she just smiled, her teeth bright and white, and turned to go get the stuff I request "Oh! By chance do you guys take credit?"

"Yeah in a minute," she called from what appeared to be a store room "I'm getting your diabetes."

"Ha!" I called back sarcastically.

She came back with a grin on her face and my stuff in two brightly coloured bags.

I swiped my card on the lynx machine and punched in my number after she gave me it.

"You're pretty cool for a princess," she tells me before I walk out of the store into the freezing night air.

I still have on Keller's sweater and I have to admit, he smells so damn good. It's like cologne, sun and him. I couldn't put a name to it so I'll just stick to thinking it's him.

It takes me a while before I find his car—a simple yet sleek black Mercedes.

"Hey loser," I said grinning as I got back in the front seat, the bags on the back seat, "Where's the nearest pond?"

"Not to-

"Ok, I don't actually care," I smirk at him his cheeks tinted pink, "Drive."

He just rolled his eyes and turned the ignition.

"Let's play a game nerd," I grin, he frowns "Whoever eats the most candy in twenty minutes is crowned king slash queen of awesomeness and commands the loser to do your bidding for the next week starting Monday."

"Hmm... I dunno.., sounds risky."

My grin grows wider.

"Bckaw!," I start making chicken noises.

"To eat dessert first gorg," he smirked and I grimaced at the fact the he just called me a gorg.

"Ih," was all I said, "You done talking Newton?" he just grinned at me and started eating his salad.

"Rabbit," I fake coughed a smirked digging in to my own meal.

"I'm a force," he smiled cheekily at me, "Not an animal."



Hey hey!  This isn't longer than the last version (I think) but I'm sure it's much better :D anywho if you're seeing this update there are more udates soon to come! :D so yeah I don't suck that much. I rewrote this one so their relationship isn't forward and tacky plus it's more fun this way, there's candy! I really wanted their relationship to develop more so her choices will be harder to make :D

Still without a laptop so yeah...  When you see these few updates I probs got one back and I'm writing!

I'm getting a new charger so yay!




Don't be a silent reader tell me what you think, your opinion really matters and it really gives me an idea as to what can help improve the story line of you think it needs to be :) yep don't be a stranger, leave me your thoughts.

Love, love, love always,

cheeky_gurl ♥♡♥


Hey friendsss so I'm changing up the story line a bit so the ending'll be bette, if you're a new reader then it's really awesome for you! For the old readers I'll do a recall on the next update ;) *hint* *hint*

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