Year 3. Queen

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12 year-old Padmé stood in front of her Mother. "Are you sure I am ready for this Mother? I'm scared" Padmé had been chosen for the next Queen of Naboo. She was nervous. Padme had been chosen because of her abilities and her leading spirit, but she herself was still nervous. "Of course you are dear. And who wouldn't be scared when they become Queen?" Padmé signed. Her mother was not very helpful. Padmé took a deep breath, hoping it would calm her down. It didn't help much. "I miss father." her mother sighed. As all do. "If you don't stop breathing so hard, your chest will hurt, so stop" Her mother said. Padme was surprised. Why was her mother so mad? A tall man ran in to the room "Are you ready miss?" Padmé took a deep breath. "Yes, I am." her mother nodded. And walked away. Padme, for the next two years would never be scared as she was now. I am doing this for my parents. She reminded her self. For my village for my people for my planet. "And for the Galaxy" and with that, she walked into the sunlit balcony.

I know this sounds cheesey, but for some strange reason I like stuff like that. Why you ask? Heck, even I don't know.

The sun filled the courtyard that seemed to have at least 600 people. Padmé's heart felt like it stopped. Walking forward she soon stood next to The man who would crown her Queen. He stood, looking at her. "Miss Padmé Amidala" He pronounced Amidala with loud enthusiasm. "To you swear to take on as your people's Queen?" I swear." Padmé whispered, but loud enough for people to hear her, Her people. The people she just swore to protect. The man turned to the crowd "People of Naboo, I give you Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo!"

This whole paragraph is again, cheesy, and again, don't ask.

The Rest of the day was full of celebration. It went OK. Though Padmé was sad that she did not see Clovis although he had told her he would be there.  Padmé signed, she had more important things to think about. Like MAYBE she was Queen.

 Like MAYBE she was Queen

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