Chapter 1

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I'm sorry, I'm not the best at writing fanfics


Kritina's POV

Today was the day, first day of senior year. I guess I was looking forward to it, other than having to see my ex best-friend. Her and I were basically sisters, up until she started dating the "fuckboy" of our school, Brock. He was always a huge jerk to Lilianne and I, but she still liked him, I don't know why. He would verbally and physically abuse the two of us. Up until summer break, Lil and I would hang out everyday, but when Brock asked her out, she changed. It was like he had corrupted her somehow. Lets say I'm not very popular, a sort of wallflower, i guess and the only person i ever had was Lilianne.

As soon as i got to school, I parked my crappy old truck which my dad got me for my 16th. When I got all my books, I turned around and instantly saw Brock and Lilianne sucking faces, "Ewwwww, kill me now!" I thought to myself. I locked my car up and walked into the school doors, i got dirty looks from everyone but i was used to it. As soon as I got my books out of my locker, someone slammed it shut. Surprise, surprise, it was Brock and Lilianne. "Well look who it is B, it's my bestie!" As soon as that word came out of her mouth, i desperately wanted to slap her. "Ex best-friend actually". I said under my breath. "Errr what did you just say to my girlfriend?!". I was done and school hadn't even started yet! "I said she's my EX BEST-FRIEND YOU ASSHOLE!" The last thing i remember seeing is a tall boy with brown hair running towards me.

A few hours later...

I woke up to a blinding light. "Hello?" I looked up to see the same boy from earlier. "Who are you?" I asked him. "My name's Adym, I helped you earlier, you were badly injured and unconscious so I brought you to the hospital". It only just came to mind that i missed the first day. "Wait! I missed the first day ?!" "Yeah, but don't worry so did I, besides no one would have missed me, I reckon you had lots of people miss you! " I decided to just fake a smile and lie. Nothing bad would happen. Right ?

When I was discharged from the hospital, Adym drove me home and when i realized my parents weren't gonna be home for another two weeks, I asked Adym to stay for the night, just in case. At around 6pm me and Adym started to get hungry so we ordered some pizza, whilst we were waiting we decided to watch a film, we settled on "The Maze Runner". When we were 20 minutes into the film featuring Dylan O'Booty, whoops I mean O'Brien the pizza had arrived. We ate it and just had a laugh getting to know one another.


The next morning...

I woke up with a a huge pain in my side, I winced as I tried to stand up but instantly tripped over a sleeping Adym. I landed on top of him and woke him up "How are you feeling today?". He asked with a huge smirk on his face. "Better than yesterday" I giggled. "What are you gonna do today?" I asked. "Well I'm obviously gonna skip school, and look after you, silly!" I couldn't help but smile, someone actually cares about me. "You can't do that Adym! You have to go to school today!" "I can stay here! And i will stay here, missy!!"



I hope you guys enjoyed chapter 1 !!!!! I loved writing it and i will hopefully try to update as soon as possible !!!!!!

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