Chapter 3

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So I would recommend listening to "Woah" by Papi Ricco. It's on sound cloud and I basically had it on repeat whilst writing this chapter.

"Kris, I..."

Adym's POV

I had to find out who beat up Kris. "Kris, how come none of your friends have come to visit you? Also, why were you beaten up and who by?" I asked. "Er, Adym. I-I" then she was gone. I was shouting Kristina's name up until I reached her house. I heard a scream "WHY KRISTINA, WHY?!" I ran upstairs and knocked on the bathroom door. "Kris? Are you in there? It's me Adym. Why did you run off? Kris, please answer me! You're the only friend I have! I need you Kristina White!" I do need her, she's the first person I met in this town and she is amazing. I want her to be mine! I love Kristina White! Wait did I just say that? I did and I meant it!

"Adym, as soon as you go to school you'll have tons of friends.". "Like you Kris?" I asked. "No. Not like me Adym. I'm not this perfect girl, I'm not pretty, I'm not popular. I don't even have a single friend!" I was confused. Then she broke down into tears. "Kris, open the door for me please." I heard the tap run the best a few seconds later, the door opened. I threw my arms around her back and rested my head on top of hers. We walked over to her bed and sat down. "Kris, you do have a friend. You have me!"."I know Adym, but I'm not popular, everyone hates me, including my ex best-friend. She was basically my sister and the last thing is... I cut." The last part I couldn't hear. "You what, Kris?" I asked. "I CUT ADYM!" I was in disbelief. Why would someone so beautiful and sweet, do something like that? "Kris,I... Why? Why Kristina? You're perfect, you don't to let people get you down. They're just jealous because you're amazing, smart, funny, and gorgeous!" I saw her blush and it made her look even more adorable, if that's even possible.

"Thank you, Adym.". "For what?" I asked. "For being here for me, when I don't have anyone else. I'm also really grateful for what you did for me when I was unconscious."."Well I couldn't just leave a gorgeous girl, unconscious and injured on the floor, with no one bothering to take care of her." She blushed again and I couldn't help but smile. "How about I go to the store and get a lot of snacks and you find a few movies for us to watch Netflix?"."Ok Adym. See ya in 20.". "Bye Kris!" Was the last thing said between us.

As soon as i got back from spending $40 on snacks for Kris and I. We watched a few films and the first few episodes of season 3 of AHS. Halfway through the fourth episode, Kris fell asleep on my shoulder but couldn't get comfy, but I soon heard light snores coming from her when she laid her head on my chest. I turned off the T.V. and wrapped my arm around her waist and fell asleep soon after.

At nearly 2AM, Kris woke up screaming which scared me to death. "Kris, are you okay?" I asked. She shook her head and bursted into tears. I pulled her into my chests rubbing circles on her back. "Nightmare?" She nodded. "If you want to tell me about it you can. Whether it's now, later or in the further future. It's all up to you Kris." I said. "Err, I-I had a-a nightmare about y-you. That you b-befriended my ex best-friend a-and you hated m-me, a-and you er, you told me to er, kill m-myself and I d-did then w-when you found out y-you just laughed." She stuttered. "Kris, I would never do that to you! You mean so much to me!". I love you Kristina White, but I'm too afraid to tell you.



Ohhhhhhh Adym has a little thing for Kristina.

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