Chapter 10

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I woke up to a bed with just me in it. I scratched my head and took the covers off of me. I went into the hallway and smelled food. Yum. I walked downstairs and followed my nose to where the smell was coming from. I walked in the kitchen and seen Justin cooking something. Woah. He's cooking? He looked over at me."good morning princess."Justin said,kissing my cheek. I yawned and stretched out my arms saying,"morning" Justin turned back around and continued cooking. I sat down and almost fell asleep."babe" I opened my eyes with a start. I shook away the sleep."I looked down and there was food in front of me. I looked back up and Justin came with his own plate and sat down next to me. He cooked pancakes and bacon. I looked from the plate to him. He gave a questioning look."what?"he asked. I shrugged."I'm scared"I said."why?"he asked. i gave him a look."your mean"he said with a pouty face. I laughed. I took a bite."this is good. Surprisingly."I said looking at him. His mouth was open and he looked at me with disbelief. I laughed."you, are mean missy"he said pointing his finger at me."it's not nice to point"I said playfully biting his finger. He laughed and I smiled. I finished eating and he took my plate. I went into the kitchen and Justin was about to wash my plate."don't wash that"I said standing in the doorway of the kitchen. He looked at me."why?"he asked."Because I have arms and hands."I replied. He looked at me while washing my plate. I rolled my eyes at him and he smiled. I sat down and took out my phone. I went on instagram and took a picture of Justin standing there looking at me talking. I posted it with the caption as 'I'm not listening to him hehe :p' Five seconds later his phone beeped. He looked at the picture and read it out loud."I'm not listening to him hehe smiley face"he said looking at me. I tried not to laugh." didn't hear a word I just said?"Justin asked seriously while I wasn't being serious about it. I shook my head and stood up looking at him. He stared at me for a second and then his face broke into a smile."that's alright it wasn't really important"he said picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I squealed."Justin! put me down!!"I said."how about no"he said. 'just wait to see what I have planned' "what was that?"Justin asked."what are you talking about?"I replied."I could've sworn you said something"he said 'damn. I need to stop doing that' "you thought"I said. "fothermucker let me down. Now."I said. He just stood there for a second and then he put me down. I went to go upstairs but Justin grabbed my arm and spun me around. Before I could think or catch my balance,lips crashed into mine. It took me a second but I figured out Justin was kissing me and I kissed him back. He grabbed my face in his hand and I put my hand over his. We kissed for about a minute until I pulled back to catch my breath. I walked upstairs,went in my room,and locked the door. I heard Justin's footsteps outside the door."babe let me in"he said."hmmm why the hell would i do that?"I asked bitterly."what the hell?"he said sounding offended. ' Good. My plan is working' "what?"I asked with an attitude."why are acting like this?"he asked."like what?"I asked."like-you know what,never mind"he said and then I heard his footsteps slowly disappear. I started cracking up. I got up and exited my room. I went downstairs and looked out the window. Justin's car is gone. I went back upstairs and into my room. I walked into my bathroom and turned the shower on. I took off my clothes and got in. I washed up and then got out. I walked into my bedroom and over to my dresser I grabbed some underwear and slipped them on. I dropped my towel,grabbed a bra and put it on. I walked into my closet and pondered on what to wear today. I decided on white jeans and a black flowy tank top. I walked into the bathroom. Natural? or straightened? I grabbed my phone and called jacara."hello?""hey should I leave my hair natural or straighten it?""seriously?""yes!""natural""kk thanks babe!"I said hanging up. I kept my hair natural and sprayed a little bit of hair spray in it. I walked out of the bathroom and into my closet again. I put on my black heels and walked out of my closet. I grabbed my phone off my bed and went downstairs. I grabbed my car keys."MOM I'M GOING TO JUSTIN'S!!"I screamed."ok"she screamed. I walked out the door and got into my lambo. I drove to the Starbucks near Justin's house and got him his favorite drink. I drove to Justin's house and I rolled down my window."Name?"I recognized fredos voice."dumbnut it's me"I said."who the hell is me?"he asked."you little shit. Open the damn gate or I will climb it and stab you with a spoon."I said."damn"he said and then opened the gate. I parked my car and went inside his house."HONEY I'M HO-oh it's just you."I said looking at fredo."where's my babes?"I asked."in his room"he replied. I walked upstairs to his room. 'knock knock' "come in"I walked in to Justin's room to him laying shirtless on his bed. He looked up and then back to his phone and up again. I acted as if nothing happened earlier."I brought you your favorite drink"I said walking over and handing it to him. He watched me closely as I walked over and handed him his drink. He checked me out and looked back up at my face."so...about earlier...."he said. I cocked my head to the side and furrowed my eyebrows."what about it?"I asked. He looked at me for a second."what was that all about earlier?"he asked."nothing I said."shae don't play with me,it was something"he said. I looked up at him and smiled very widely. He looked at me confused. I cupped my hand like I had a microphone."you my sir have just been pranked!"I said beaming. It took him a few minutes to figure it out. He smiled."wow. Wow. Just wow."He said. I laughed.'Now I'm scared' "oh and by the way, you look sexy"he said winking. I blushed and looked down."thanks"I said. He reached over and lifted my chin with his fingers."awe your blushing!cute"he said amused. I blushed even more."awe!!"he beamed. I blushed more of that was even possible....I turned away."stoooop itttt"I said like a child. Justin laughed."your so cute"he said. I took off my heels and went over and sat on him."Umm.....babe?"Justin said."yes?"I asked."your kindof um......on um...."He said."oh! sorry"I said moving onto the bed,looking down in embarrassment."babe it's ok....don't be embarrassed."He said."Justin! how could I not be?!"I said. He chuckled. He grabbed me from behind and dragged me next to him. I looked over and his lips crashed into mine. I kissed back. It lasted about 2 mins before we both pulled back for air. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I just realized he is still shirtless. I couldn't help but check him out."hey take a picture,it'll last longer."He said winking.'damn! He caught me. Imma take a pic haha' I got out my phone and took a like 3 pictures. Justin laughed."your too cute. Hey wanna go do something?"he asked."like what?"I asked."I don't know....anything"he said."surprise me"I said."okay"he said smiling.'oh no' He got up and started undressing in front of me."Justin!"I exclaimed."what?!"he asked."I am right. Here!!"I said."and?!?"he said."oh my god"I said."don't be so cold,you know you like"Justin sang a line from take you to me and winked. I rolled my eyes nd smiled. He continued to undress so I turned the other way and he chuckled."your so adorable babe"he said."I'm done"he said."you sure?"i asked."yep"he said popping the 'p'.I turned around and Justin was wearing jeans. Let me tell you! SEXIEST THING,EVER!!! I checked him out and he chuckled."can't get enough of me can you?"he asked. I shook my head from side to side really quickly. He chuckled again. My hormones will not calm down. 'Damn it Justin!! Why you gotta be so damn sexy?' "I don't know. That's the way God created me"Justin said. I looked at him and cocked my head to the side."you were talking out loud. Oh and thanks for letting me know I make your hormones go crazy"he said smirking. I rolled my eyes."come on"Justin said and we headed to his car.

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