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"Karysa!"  I hear Adriana shouting my name.  She probably has another useless thought to tell me.  That's basically all she ever has to tell me--or anyone else for that matter.

"What now?" I have to at least pretend to listen to her.

"Oh my gah oh my gah oh my gah," she babbles, "I just saw the coolest thing ever.  The television had a show on about dolphins and did you know that dolphins don't have a draft like humans do? I think that's really cool because in all my 15 years of living, I have never heard of bananas that could grow upside down and now I heard about this dolphin facts and I just really think that's great.  How are you?"

"That's nice. I'm doing well." I smile and walk away quickly. Adriana was definitely annoying, but at least she helped distract me from the draft...This is my third year in the draft, I've been here since I was 14. Then 15. Now 16. Girls are eligible to be drafted until they are 21, so I have a while left, but the sooner I get drafted the sooner I can meet the person I will spend the rest of my life with.

Every morning starts with a cup of fresh fruit and some oatmeal. Then we do a 30 minute cardio workout and drink a low fat smoothie. Then we are all cleaned and get our hair done by some of the more talented servicewomen of the city. Then we go to photo shoots and practices all day. Our lunch consists of a light salad with some sliced almonds and our dinner is usually a fish or lean meat with vegetables. We're on a fairly strict schedule, but we get the afternoons to do whatever we want with our fellow draft members, which is exactly how I met my best friends, Caila and Kyleigh. They're identical twins. They're a year younger than I am, so this is only their second draft, but they're just as ready to leave here as I am. Usually twins get drafted really quickly because it's like 2 for the price of one, but they didn't yet because they weren't fully matured at the time they entered the last draft. The only thing I'm not looking forward to about being drafted is losing them, they're the only people I can tell everything to. They'll probably be first round picks. From their latest ratings they're definitely one of the top picks and are going to be worth a lot. My ratings have been going up a lot lately, probably since I've basically reached maturity, I might be a 2nd or 3rd round pick, but definitely still a fair chance this year will be the year.  The official draft of the year is on Wednesday, in three days, thus the next few days are going to be a living hell.

Tomorrow will be purely based on our final shoots. We'll do somewhere from 6-7 hours of photos tomorrow and then they'll be edited and published. Tuesday will be focused on making sure we look our best when the draft is televised the next day, so we'll all get our hair cut and colored, our teeth whitened, and our skin tanned. We'll do some facial cleanses and then get 10 or more hours of sleep to ensure we look our best. Wednesday morning will probably be a fiasco but it'll all work out in the end.
*bell rings*
"Yes ma'am," we all chorus and head to our living quarters.

~Monday morning~

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Headmistress shouts down the halls. I wearily roll out of bed and put on my slippers. "Today will be an amazing day," I say aloud to no one but myself. I pull my hair back into a bun and go out the door and down the hall to the dining area. I sit down and politely wait for my meal to be served to me. The rest of the girls all slowly make it to the tables by the time I'm finishing my meal. When finished I head to my floor's closet to find the outfit that I wear for my first shoot. It's an oversized pink faux fur vest and some thigh high white latex boots. I carry them down the hall to the hygiene offices and sign in. I sit down in the waiting area and, again, girls slowly arrive after me. Of course there were some girls already in the room but most of them were first year draft girls so I hadn't really talked to them or acknowledged who they were. When Caila and Kyleigh arrived they came and sat by me. They were holding their large fur vests as well, they were matching eachother of course, with white vests and black boots.
"Are you so so so excited girl?" Caila asks me, grinning ear to ear.
"I mean, of course!!!!" I squeal back. I love having someone who understands how beyond ecstatic I am to start a family.
"How many shoots do you think we have today?" Kyleigh ponders this aloud.
"Ummm....maybe like 3 or 4???" I answer unconvincingly. Just before any other words could be spoken between the 3 of us, my name is called.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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