My knight in black robes

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Tom's Pov
I can feel it.My mate just had their inheritance.I must find them.I can't stand knowing that they are out there and could be in trouble.

I summoned up my inner circle.That included Severus,Narcissa,Draco,
Lucius,the Lestranges,Bill Weasley,Charlie Weasley,and Sirius and Remus Lupin.Sirius faked his death to get away from Dumblecluck and his chicken squad. He and Remus are now married plus the fact that they are mates. I told them to come with me.I could smell my mate very faintly. We followed the scent to a muggle street named Privet Drive.
Harry's POV
When the Dursleys came in,next thing I knew they started to beat me.They were screaming things about me being a freak and other things.They even broke my glasses, but I don't need them anymore.I have perfect eyesight now. I was being beaten so badly,I was on the brink of death.

The pain was unbearable,I was trying hold on,but I was slipping away.I couldn't reach my wand.Just before they delivered the last blow,the door blasted opened.

I looked over at the door and saw a human and older looking Tom Riddle and his inner circle.

When I saw him,something urged me to stay alive. Something awakened inside me.I smiled faintly before I blacked out.

Tom's POV
When we arrived at the house the smell was coming from,we heard screaming and I could also smell blood.That was my mate's blood.

I cast 'Repello Muggletum',just encase any muggles were awake,and very strong wards.After that,I blasted the door open.All of us raced up the stairs.The closer we got,the louder the yells got.

We stopped outside of a door at the end of the hallway.The metallic smell of blood was strongest here.I break the door open,but what I saw made my blood run cold.

I saw my mate,lying in a puddle of his own blood, barely alive,being brutally beaten by some muggles.My mate just so happened to be Harry Potter. He turned and looked at me.He smiled faintly before he passed out.

I saw red.These muggles won't get away with this.I wandlessly blast the muggles across the wall,knocking them unconscious. I'll deal with them later.My mate was my top priority right now.

I ran toward him,and cradled his head in my hands.His pulse was quickly fading.I turned around when I heard growling. Remus was being held back by Sirius,both looking livid.


"Calm down Moony!It's no use now!We have to save him first," Severus,Draco, and Narcissa exclaimed.

They set to work, giving him any potion that would help.After an hour, they were finished.Harry was now sleeping and healing.

Soon after,Draco, surprising all of us,punched the wall with tears in his eyes.

"I knew this would happen. I shouldn't have let him come here," he shouted.Hmm....this makes me curious.

"Why is that,Draco?" I asked. He looked at us before telling us what happened last year.From Harry being betrayed,to Harry finding a home with the Slytherins.

I was going to kill Dumbledore! He put me and my mate through so much.

"Severus, bring the muggles to the dungeons.The rest of you find his things,and bring them to the manor and stay there. Go!"

When they all left,I looked at my mate looks left me speechless.
He is.....beautiful.He is a Kitsune.He is mine to hold,to protect,to love.It makes me sad to see him like this.I should have been here for him.Tears started to gather in my eyes.

Just then,Harry started to awaken.He looked at me with his stunning eyes.


I took his hand in mine.I placed it on my face.

"I am sorry I couldn't be here for you right away. I wish this never happened. I promise to be there for you always. You are my mate.I love you. I always have.The way you do things,never give up, and put others before your self. I love you," I said as an lone year slid down my face.

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