The Contract

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 Dedicated to my daughter, wonderful, talented daughter. Not only was she my first child she was my first fan too! I can not imagine one minute on this earth without you. You inspire me every day!!! Luv ya babes.


He couldn't keep his eyes off her. She was nothing like the model types that he usually dated. She was dressed in clothes that hid the exciting parts of her body. No other woman he dated had curves they would die if they discovered anything other than skin and bones. She had green eyes that looked like the calm sea. Her face was the perfect oval shape; however, her hair was pulled back in a tight bun, and she looked like an angry librarian. Kate assured him that she would do it and she was out of options at home. Of course, Harrison had her thoroughly investigated before he made the decision and although she didn't seem to be involved in the scandal at her last employment, she had become un-hireable. No one wanted to touch her. Touching her suddenly seemed intriguing.

"How real is this marriage, exactly?" He realised she was asking him a question.

"It will be a legal binding marriage." She blushed slightly and then tried to rephrase her questions.

"Does the marriage need...... to know.... Consummated?" He had already thought this through, and he and Rolando agreed that legally no one could prove that they hadn't consummated the marriage. However looking at her now, he wondered to himself what would she be like in bed? He decided then and there to change the game plan a little.

"Julia, it needs to be a legal marriage so yes consummation of the marriage is expected. Will this be a problem?"

He watched her face intently and wondered what was going through her pretty little head right now. Had he lost his chance with her? Would she go to bed with a guy she didn't know to fulfil a contract?

WILL it be a problem she was wondering to herself? Moving to another country, marrying a guy she didn't know, getting paid to sleep with him even if it is only once. Her thoughts were interrupted.

"Perhaps now is a good time for you to go over the contract. Rolando and I will leave you, and we will give you an hour to go over it. We will then come back to hear your final decision." And then he was gone. Just like that he had given her an order and now she was meant to follow it. She read over the contract several times. There were a few clauses with the divorce. Apparently for a divorce to go through you need to make claims as to why you are divorcing there were several she was not allowed to use, she couldn't state any of the following causes:

He was unfaithful

She was unfaithful

He was impotent

He had raised a hand to her

Otherwise, the contract was pretty much exactly what he said. She would get the settlement money on divorce, which they estimated to be about eight hundred thousand U.S dollars. She would have all her expenses paid while here as well as having a job that paid a great deal more than her last post. Ok, she thought to her self, one night of sex, yes; I'm kinda being paid for it, but I mean plenty of girls have one-night-stands. It would be the same thing. Except Julia had never had a one-night-stand she hand only ever had sex with one partner. It was just sex. How hard could it be? She thought she was probably gone to earn her money making out to the world that Julia was falling in love with this rich jerk but what else did she have. Ok, she had made her decision. She would do it. At the same time, as she made her decision, there was a knock at the door, and both the gentleman re-entered the study.

"Have you made your decision?" Harrison asked her.

"Yes, I'll go ahead with the contract." She signed where Roland instructed her to, and then Harrison and the lawyer followed suit. It was signed sealed and delivered as they say.

"Thank you. I'll have the driver take you to your apartment, and you can get set up. Kate will pick you up in the morning and show you the ropes."

Julia was left feeling a little deflated this wasn't what she had expected. Hell! What did she expect? What were the ground rules surrounding longtime friend setting you up for fake marriage with her boss? She shook her head. She needed to make the best of this opportunity. After the divorce, Julia wanted his job to be forever. She would work her self to the bone and keep the position.

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