Chapter One- The problem

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"Daddy can we play in the courtyard today?" little Elsa asked her father.

The king shifted looking for an excuse,

"Not right now my dear, I promise we can go later... Daddy has important things to do right now." He looked at Rapunzel.

Elsa looked disappointed and Jack couldn't help but feel guilty.

"But the Haddocks are coming over later today, you can play with Prince Julius." Rapunzel pipped in.

Elsa looked disgusted. "Ew the only boy I like is you, daddy."

"Darling run along now, why don't you see if Ms. Maribell could take you for a walk, but be careful not to wake your sister from her nap." Jack suggested.

"Okay!" The young girl said as she skipped away, her long platinum blonde hair jumping to her movements in its pony tail.

Rapunzel chuckled while fixing a piece of hair in her long braid,

"My, my she is as stubborn as her father."

Jack smiled,

"But as beautiful as her mother."

Jack and Rapunzel walked into the conference room where Hiccup and Merida were sitting.

"How did you guys get here so fast..." Jack asked greeting the couple.

"Toothless is fast, never underestimate him." Hiccup said proudly.

"Anyway," Merida started, "how is she?"

Jack and Rapunzel looked at each other.

"Well, since Anna had come along we are scared she may not be able to control her powers and may hurt the child, or herself." Rapunzel said looking down.

"Well, can't she control it?" Merida asked, "like Jack, he can control it so why can't she?"

"I have my staff... she is... she's just free willing it."

"Can she fly?" Hiccup asked interested.

"Er, I don't believe so.. She's not a guardian, Hiccup she just has the ability to use magic."

After about twenty more minutes of talking and explaining, they finally came to the conclusion of only watching Elsa oh so carefully.

"Since she is four years old already, her power is getting stronger, I can feel it." Jack said.

"And now since Anna doesn't have the ability to hold magic... we must be even more careful."

They all agreed.

Ms. Maribell politely entered the room with both Elsa and Julius, announcing it were time for dinner.


At the dinner table, Elsa sat next to her father while Anna sat in her high chair next to her mother with Hiccup, Merida and their son on the opposite side of the table.

The Frosts and the Haddocks ate dinner together with small talk and such.

"Elsa tripped me today on the walk today with Ms. Maribell." Julius announced nonchalantly.

"No I didn't... You fell on your own!'

Elsa argued back.

"But it's Spring time and--"

"That's enough Julius, how rude of you to say that. We are guests here!"

Merida boomed breaking tension.

"Humph." Julius sat glum, picking at his veggies on his plate.

"Elsa, is this true?" Jack asked.

"Ah, um, I- I-I don't know..."

The table could see she was getting nervous.

"Jack..." Rapunzel pipped in.

"It-it was an accident! I promise!"

Elsa wailed; causing the whole table to freeze with a coat of ice.

This for some reason caused baby Anna to begin laughing.

"Elsa, Elsa it's alright, calm down, I'm sure Prince Julius can forgive you, right?"

Julius was a little stunned himself,

"Y..yes I forgive you." He said out of fear.

Elsa stopped crying and the families went on eating their meals.

After dinner, the Haddock family had set out to leave.

"I apologize for what happened at dinner," Rapunzel said to Merida.

"Oh, dontcha worry bout it!" Merida replied, "but I see whatcha mean, it does look like it's gettin' stronga, just be careful love." She said with a whisper.

Rapunzel nodded and waved goodbye.

"Say goodbye, Elsa!"

"Bye uncle Hic and Aunt Merida!" she waved as they left on the black dragon, Merida had Hiccup install a child's booster seat for their son which Jack thought was hilarious.

The family watched them fly out of sight.

"So, Elsa, how about we play in the courtyard now?" Jack announced to his daughter, with his staff in hand.

Elsa's face lit up as she chased her father down the hall.

Rapunzel smiled as she held baby Anna in her arms.

"I couldn't ask for a better family." She said to herself while tickling the child.

But Jack shouldn't encourage her by playing with her powers. It'll only make we stronger.

Rapunzel thought while gazing out the window to the courtyard.


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