More Basics:

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How to send a private message- So unfortunately, Wattpad changed how to send a private message. In order to send a message now, you must be a fan of that person. So follow the instructions from the previous chapter on how to become a fan. Then go to the Authors profile that you would like to send the message to. Above their fans and who they follow is a button that says "Send a message". Click it and type the message you want to send.

How to accept constructive critism- The hardest thing about being an author is sometimes recieving constructive critism. It can take some getting used to, but remember, there's a difference between someone being rude and someone trying to help you. Constructive critism will tell you how to improve the work or change what confused the reader, whereas someone being a total jerk will just say the work sucked and you can tell them to screw themselves.

How to give comstructive critism- You read a book, but you feel like it's missing something or you want to try and help the author improve. First thing, remember that not everyone wants critisim, they only want to be told its good and that's it. Well those people are stupid and need to get over because someone needs to tell them if their work sucks if it does. Tell them you liked it, but here's how it could be better. My boss called this the hamburger method, you say "Oh I liked it." Then get to the point "But you need to change the word choice, there was too much repetitiveness, I felt like I was reading the same thing over and over. Then you end with something soft again, "But other than that good work"

How to report people and give real reasons- Some people are just overly rude. I once had someone tell me I was glorifying rape and proceeded to curse me out for my hellish ways, while telling me that I would live an enternity in hell. Okay, one, she needed a chill pill, two if she didn't like it she shouldn't have read all the way to chapter 26 of a 31 Chapter book. But anyway, I digress. 

I sent the comments she told me to wattpad's head people, to do this you go to the comment that you think is overly rude or threatning and click the harzard sign that has "report" written next to it. This will take you to a website with these choices:

What best describes the issue you are having?

 -User Harassment 

-Underage Users 

-Inappropriate Comments

Choose which one fits best, but remember wattpad won't always agree with you.

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