✘ Chapter 11: Kill Phil ✘

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Music: Going Under by Evanescence
"This secret.." Dan leaned in. You tried to listen as he murmured something, and suddenly you felt something warm and wet drip down your face. You wiped some off and looked at your hand. It was blood.

".....that I'll never tell you," Dan continued, smirking.

"What did you do?" You asked, horrified, as you felt more blood draining from your body.

"Oh...nothing much, just did a little...stab in your head." Dan laughed when he finished, putting the knife down.

"You're a sick bastard," You grunted.

"You're a little wimp," He counterattacked your virbal discression, and you sighed. "I'm gonna go and wake Phil up. Hopefully you don't die by then," He finished, snorting.

"I hate you," You muttered, although it wasn't 100% true. As weird as it was, you felt a bit of a liking to this kind of treatment, for some reason. Probably because you were in a room with one of your favorite Youtubers, as he sliced you up. It could be worse, you had thought.

"I feel the same," He replied coldly, but the small hint of...love?? longing?? told a different story. He walked out. You heard him yelling, "PHIL THERES A VAMPIRE IN THE HOUSE!!" and Phil screaming, "WHERE? WHERE?" You laughed.

Dan came back in, only a bit later, with Phil following. "Hi, y/n..." Phil said. Dan gave him a dirty look, silencing him, and you felt a stab of pity for him. Dan was the mastermind; Phil only followed his tracks because he was forced to.

"Get it.." Dan whispered to Phil.



You couldn't hear the rest. Phil walked out. Dan smirked.

"Now then, we're gonna give you a makeover."

He pulled out everything needed-- a (not your hair color) wig, makeup, and an outfit.

"I don't want--" You started, but Phil cut you off as he rushed back in with a big butcher knife.

"I got it," He yelled as he entered.

"Shut up," Dan shushed him. He pulled the knife from Phil's hands and gave him the baby one. "Hold this."

Dan came up to you. He looked you square in the eyes. "Hmm....what first...?" He paused. Then he exclaimed, eyes lit up in excitement, "Your eyes!"

"What about them?" You hissed. "My eyes are fine the color they are!"

"That's not what I meant," He looked at you in a not-readable expression, then stuck the knife in your left eye. You screamed in pain.

"Hmm..." He thought for a brief moment. "What do you think, Phil? Should I take out one eye or both?"

"Uhhh...." Phil looked in alarm, as if only one answer was right and he would be punished if he was wrong. "Both?"

You prayed in your head that that wouldn't happen. Dan came over and slapped Phil. "No, dummy, because then y/n wouldn't be able to see us!" He paused, smirked, and added, "Well, see me."

Phil looked angry. "What are you saying?"

Dan returned the angry expression. "I'm saying that--" He wasn't able to finish, as Phil stabbed him right in the chest. He fell to the ground with a thud. Phil kicked him over and over again, violently, as if he was letting out all of his bottled anger.

He finally noticed you staring at him after he kicked Dan about a million times, and said, "What?"

✘ Troubled Love ♡ Yandere Dan And Phil x Reader ♡ ✘ (Wattys2017 Entry)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt