✘ Chapter 6: Cuts and Bruises~ ✘

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((I just drank a Starbucks DoubleShot energy drink so I'm super hyper! So prepare your butts for creepy shit. Also gore and blood! YAY! Oh, and I'm also gonna start a new thing where I put a yandere or sad song above. Today we have Yandelenka by Len, one of my favorite vocaloids! Enjoy the song and this chapter, or else Dan and Phil will come and murder you. ^.^))


Your POV
"Well then, here we are." Dan said, and we all got out of the taxi cab that drove us to the apartments. Suddenly, you had an urge to run away. So you did.

"What the?! GET BACK HERE!" Dan yelled, and him and Phil started to chase you. You were fast, but they were faster (you should've trained harder in P.E.)

Phil tackled you, and pulled your hair. You yelled and flailed your arms around, trying to get him off. Dan came by you with a cloth covered in strange liquid. All of a sudden, the cloth was around your mouth, and everything went dark.


You opened your eyes, seeing yourself in the same secret room as before-- the one where you were tied, the moment of hell...

Its happening again. Dan turned and saw you, and he smirked. Phil was snoozing on the floor, it looks like he got beat up. Probably by Dan...

"Oh! You're finally awake!" Dan said. His hands were behind his back, and you tilted your head to see what he was holding. You gasped as you saw a bloody knife.

"What are you doing?" You managed to say, and Dan replied by putting the knife up to your cheek. You squirmed, and he looked at you sternly.

"Don't move." He grunted, and started slicing your cheek. You tried to hold in your screams, and the pain was overpowering. You whimpered in fear.

"(Y/n), does it hurt?" Phil said, waking up. You nodded.

"Stay out of this." Dan replied, turning to him.

"Hey, I like her too. As much as you. Maybe even more!"

You smirked, watching them fight. It wouldn't solve any problem, but for now you'd be "safer".

"Hah, SURE you do. In fact, if you like her so much, how about you cut her? Hurt her. Kill her." Dan looked at you, and you gulped.

"I can't kill her!" Phil yelled, coming over to you.

"Then get out." Dan came closer, holding the knife in his hand.

"Fine, fine." Phil grunted, and grabbed the knife from Dan.

"I'm hungry. I'll be back in 5 minutes; you better have cut her by then." Dan walked out the door and slammed it behind him.

Phil looked at you. You turned your head and told him, "Just do it."

"Are you sure?" He asked. You nodded in reply. He started to cut your upper leg downwards. You let out a small yelp.

"Sorry!" He said, then dropped the knife and sighed. "I'm not cut out for this stuff."

"I knew you couldn't do it, you pussy!" You heard Dan's voice, and he came in with a cookie. "Hah, only one cut? Pathetic."

"I'd like to see you try!" Phil hissed. Dan nodded, and Phil looked at him in shock. Dan grabbed the knife and came over to you. You whimpered in fear, turning your head. He grabbed your face.

"Hold still," He whispered, and cut your neck lightly. "Eep!" You squealed, kicking.

~timeskip brought to you by Dan with knives~

"There. A work of art." Dan smirked. You felt like you were about to pass out. You had a black eye from him punching you, cuts all over your neck, arms and legs, and blood smeared everywhere.

"Your crazy!" Phil yelled.

"Hmm, really? You think so?" Dan said calmly, followed by a small chuckle. Phil came over to you. Dan grunted and walked out.

"I'm so sorry, (y/n)!" Phil cried, hugging you.

"No, it's ok. But it hurts.." You whimpered. Phil untied you.

"I'll help you get out of here. But we have to wait until dark, when Dan goes to sleep." Phil said, smiling. You smiled back and nodded. Phil walked out, whispering, "I'll see you later."

✘ Troubled Love ♡ Yandere Dan And Phil x Reader ♡ ✘ (Wattys2017 Entry)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora