The Enchanted Forest

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The next morning, the couple woke up as the ground began to shake. They pulled on their clothes as fast as they could and Eilonwy grabbed her sword, running out of the door, "Rumple!" She called as the purple clouds swept over Storybrooke once again, vines beginning to grow over the cars and houses.

He moved towards her quickly, dressed in one of his tight black suit. They moved into the center of the front porch and he placed his arm firmly around the girl's shoulders, "What's happening?" she asked him and buried her head into his chest.

"We're leaving Storybrooke," he told her, kissing her head as they fought to keep their feet on the ground, holding one another tightly.

The air cleared and they looked up, finding themselves dressed in their old clothes from twenty-eight years before. A collection of the other Storybrooke residents were beside them, confused and lost. Eilonwy looked at Rumple to see him wearing one of his tight black outfits, his skin back to being green, "Bae!" Rumple called as he saw his son.

Neal stepped back at the sight of his father, then softened, "What brought us back?" He asked, and Rumplestiltskin looked to Regina for the answer.

"Don't look at me," she said defensively and pulled her twelve year old son under her arm, "As long as we are together, we will be fine," she said, glancing at her son.

Rumple glanced around the large group, meeting Belle's eyes momentarily before glancing at the ground, "Well, sorry to run," he began, "But I have a castle to maintain," he glanced at Eilonwy and offered her his hand. A cloud of purple smoke appeared around them and they appeared in the main foyer of his castle. 

The windows were broken, and trash covered the floor, "Awful!" The green man said and Eilonwy placed her hands on his shoulders. In an instant everything was floating back to the place where it belongs, "Thank you, dearie." He told her sincerely.

"This is a new beginning for us," she said with a smile as he turned to face her, "No more stone walls or Horned kings, just us together." She kissed him gently as his eyes searched hers, "Come back with me to Prydain."

His eyes became more distant and he slightly stepped away from her, "You expect me to leave?" He asked her and motioned to the freshly cleaned area, everything reminding him of his old life, of Belle.

"We can start over," she said to him and took his hands, "A new palace, and a new life for us that we can't have here."

He searched her eyes she she watched as they softened, "For us," he said, beginning to smile, "For you, I will go."


That's the end! I hope you enjoyed the read! I'm sorry to all the Rumbelle shippers, believe me, I love them more than anything! But, I really wanted to write a Rumplestiltskin story to where there was another love interest for the dark one.

Please let me know what you thought about the read! This was just an idea I had one night before I went to sleep, and I decided to write it here.

Let me know in the comments what you thought or just leave a vote if you enjoyed it!
Thank you so much!!

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