It Begins

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"Sit down" said father as I walked over to the table and sat down. Suddenly Natalie jumped up from her chair and came over to me in an excited way. She then hit my chest and when I looked down she was handing me a pokeball, I was very confused. This felt almost like a joke bit them mom got up and hugged me and said "one day earlier couldn't hurt" as she explained that she thought I could get my present one day early. But before I could get up and go outside I heard dad say "stop right there" they said I had to do one thing before I could have it, a promise they said. So I did "I Steven promise to never hurt anyone innocent but protect them" it felt childish doing this but I didn't mind. With that done they let me go but asked me to be careful. I couldn't believe it, I would finally get to use the pokeball holding belt I bought three years ago. Without hesitation I ran up the stairs into my room where I almost tripped. I grabbed the belt from the closet and put it on as I clipped my pokeball in one of the 6 slots I had on the belt. I ran out and started down the stairs where I saw my dad standing with something in his hands. I as made it to the bottom of the stairs I realized what he had in his hands as he handed it to me, it was my very own pokedex headset and it came in black. After hugging him I went outside and put on my headset. I had always wanted one but only skilled trainers could afford them(it's seen often in the animated series wyvern ball z where it is used to measure an opponents power) . But I had one for free, now I could just look at a pokemon and get the information on it within seconds.
This was it, I unclipped my pokeball and admired it for a second before releasing the pokemon. I gasped as I recognized the small orange and yellow pokemon "Growlithe!" I said as my pokedex automatically scanned it.
Growlithe Lv.10 M (ability:intimidate)(quiet nature)
This was awesome, dad had trained it all the way up to level 10!. Now I wouldn't have to start with a Lv.1 pokemon, which I've heard it's pretty hard. "Cool!" Said a high pitched voice from behind but I ignored it knowing it was Natalie. The 2 feet tall ball of orange fluff turned to me and jumped into my arms. It was kind of heavy for something so small and fluffy, I put it back on the ground and looked to the thick tree line. This is it, the adventure I always dreamed of was starting to become reality. "Earth to Steven!" Cried Natalie making me snap out of my day dreaming. I looked behind me admiring the whole 15 homes 1 small shop and the school that made up our small village and smiled. "Tell mom I won't be back until dinner" I said waving to Natalie and making a run for the trees with my new companion running beside me.
      Not 10 feet into the trees and I could see something yellow hanging from a branch, 2 seconds later the headset locked onto it and read -Kakuna lvl 8- "perfect!" I smiled remembering all the Pokémon data I memorized for so many years, "Growlithe ember on that Kakuna!" It quickly stopped wagging its tail and the look on its face looked determined as it opened it mouth shooting a small wisp of fire onto the yellow Pokémon that fell onto the ground with a hard thud and flinched every other second from being burned. The Pokédex stayed locked onto it showing its HP bar go down to red on contact and completely disappear. Ding! The pokedex showed a blue bar with the letters XP under Growlithe go up. "Yes!" I yelped in excitement making my small friend waggle it tail again "we won our very first match! We will become the strongest in the town!" As I said the last word I remembered the gengar and felt a sweat drop build up on my forehead..."maybe"

Money: N/A

New Items: Headset Pokédex, poke belt

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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