Ch.11: Need A Friend? (Part 5)

Start from the beginning


Reaper looks at Superman in disbelief.

"You want me to what?" she growls. He looks down sheepishly.

"Take care of Superboy. Batman says you took in other teens so I thought-"

"Batman told you WHAT!?" he flinches.

"Look, he has a hot temper and I figured you could handle him." She looks over at tall, handsome, and brooding.

"Why do I sense a bit of your soul in him?"

"He..uh... He's my clone." Reaper's jaw drops.

"He's your son then! Take responsibility!!!" He flinches again.

"He's not-he's-It's complicated okay? Can you just watch him while I figure out what to do with him." Reaper stares at Superman before wacking him with the blunt end of her scythe. He cringes. "Ow!"

"Fine. I'll look over him."


"But! He needs a father, Superman. Figure it out before it's too late." she walks past him, bumping shoulders with him violently, and steps in front of the brooding younger male. "Hiya broodster, ya gonna be livin' with me fer a while." he glares at her with his blue eyes.

"I know. I'm not stupid." she sighs.

"Coulda fooled me." he grits his teeth and glares at her.

"What!?" He growls. She rolls her eyes and grabs his shirt collar, bringing him down to her face.

"Cool it, big guy. I'm stronger than a full kryptonian, what do you think I'll do to you, pipsqueak?" she eyes down his body, taking in the muscle. Her eyes meet his again as she leans up to his ear. "Play nice, I'll return the favor. Unless," she reaches around and spanks him, "ya like it rough." she pushes him back after licking his ear. By now, both kryptonians are blushing furiously. She opens a portal with a stoic face like she didn't just molest the clone. "Step in princess, before I bite ya." he scurries through the portal and she winks at Superman. "He's as cute as you were. And just as broody." she steps in next, not before licking her lips seductively.


"This is your home?" Reaper hears as she enters. They're in front of the front door, looking at the empty room.

"It was nice before I took in the others. I sure do miss my alone time. Now it's going to be even harder, what with you having super hearing." he looks at her with confusion. She raises a brow as if asking "did you really not get that?". Realizing he didn't she rolls her eyes before making a fist above her southern region and pumping it up and down. His eyes widen. "Well, not exactly what I do but the sign is universal." she then shifts into Camilla. "My name's Camilla Alvara, I know things because of my powers like you're eighteen, stay out of the attic, Brown door, and my room, your's is red, black, and blue, blah blah blah." she rolls her wrist, waving off the subject as she says it in a rehearsed tone.

"Reaper!" they turn around to find Beast Boy, Raven, Starfire, and a new dining room table.

"No, I don't need help!" Cyborg's muffled voice calls. Camilla turns to Superboy and bobs her head at the table. He gets an angry face but grab the other end of the table and helps bring it in. They set it down where the old one was.

"Thanks man." Cyborg sighs, holding a hand out for Superboy to shake. Superboy glares at it making Cy drop it. "Oh-kay."

"This is Superboy. He's the last guest I predicted... For now." they all nod except for Beast Boy who shies away and doesn't meet Camilla's eyes. "Introductions?"

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