Chapter 11

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First thing we did was call Brandon. No answer. Then we tried the phones of every member of my family. Still no answer. This worried me. What worried me even more though was that Jason seemed worried. He keep pacing the room and wringing his hands as he tried over and over to reach my family. We finally gave up on that and started to book a flight back to Tennessee, which is where I live. Or lived, I guess.

The phone rang, scaring us first, then making me scream because Brandon was finally calling us back. Jason answered and put it on speakerphone.

"Hello? Brandon?"

The person in the other end chuckled. "Not quite."

"Matthew," Jason said, motioning for me to stay quite.


"Where's Brandon?"

"He's here, along with the rest of his family. Except, of course, the girl."

"You're holding them hostage?"

"I see you're catching on."

"You're an evil man."

"No more than you, I assume you have the girl? Are you 'holding her hostage?'"

"He's not holding me hostage, I chose to be with him!" I said without thinking.

Jason gave me a sharp look and smacked my thigh.

"So you do have her then...?"

Jason put his hand over my mouth before he spoke.

"What do you want Matthew? Do you want the money? Because I can give you that."

"If the girl's dad had simply payed his debt, all this could be avoided. But now I have no need for money. I just want the girl. And I promise I won't hurt her."

"Not happening."

"It will happen if you want to see her family alive again. Give me the girl, or I will kill them all."

With that he hung up.

"Jason, please let me go with Matthew."

"No! I won't let you!"

"Please Jason! He said he won't hurt me!"

He looked deep into my eyes and grabbed both my hands in his.

"Abigail, you don't know him like I do. He will hurt you. And I love you too much to let that happen. I will do all I can for your family, I promise. But Brandon asked me to protect you. And I will protect you with my life."

His eyes were filling with tears as he spoke.

I couldn't take it anymore. I'd been holding back my emotions for too long. I broke down. I don't think I have ever sobbed so hard in my entire life.

Jason picked me up and carried me to the bed, setting me down on my stomach gently. I grabbed the pillow and screamed into it as loud as I could.

I knew I was being really dramatic but what else could I do? Here I was, far away from home, with my kidnapper, and them I'm told I may never see my family again.

Jason rubs my back and strokes my hair softly as I cry. I finally lifted my head to look at Jason. I was surprised to see tears running down his face.

"It breaks my heart to see you so upset, so hurt," he says, wiping his face.

I rolled over on my side and put my arms around him, burying my face in his chest.

I don't know how long we stayed like that, but I think I feel asleep. I woke up when Jason got up and I started to get up also.

"Just stay there, love, it's fine. I'm just booking us a flight."

After a few minutes he spoke again.

"It looks like the next flight is at midnight. You up for it?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

He set and alarm for 9:00 pm for us to get ready to go and then he got in bed next to me.

He leaned against the headboard and watched me as I scrolled on my phone.

"What?" I asked him when I noticed him staring at me.

"You're just so adorable."

He reached over and took my hand, pulling me towards him. He started kissing me, and pretty soon I'm sitting on his lap, straddling him, my hands tangled in his hair. He rolls over so that he's on top of me, and his hands find their way up my shirt as I pull down his sweatpants. As my clothes get flung across the room, I think, "I'm going to regret this."

I push the thought away, take a deep breath, and give in to the temptation.

Stockholm Syndrome {hopelessly in love}Where stories live. Discover now