He works for a company which means business so I never really see him with book bags maybe a suitcase sometimes but never a book bag.

As I got more curious about the mysterious bag I heard footsteps nearing me so I looked up to where they were coming from.

I got instant chills as I looked up and saw a shirtless Austin. (I accidently wrote shitless instead of shirtless. OMG im dying)

I gaped at him but tried to look normal as if I wasn't staring. He noticed and smirked.

"What happened to the shirt I gave you?" I asked looking back down at my phone to avoid staring at his amazingly toned body.

He sauntered over to me and rested both of his hands on both sides of my head on the couch. I looked up into his orbs and stared at him.

"It wouldn't fit. It was too tight." I whispered. My breath got caught in my throat from the tension in the air.

I internally giggled at the thought of his big body trying to fit into my dads old clothes.

"Oh well do you want another one?" I asks trying not to look down at his abs again.

"No im fine without one." he backed up and sat down next to me on the couch.

"So what if Taylor sees that your gone in the morning? I mean, there is no way this storm is ending anytime soon." I ask trying to recover from the tense moment we just had.

"Then ill just tell her I got caught up at work." he told me.

"What's in the bag if you dont mind me asking?"

"Some stuff I brought for you to comfort you." he explained and reached over to grab it as I watched his back muscles flex.

"Its not nice to stare." he broke the silence pulling the bag onto the wooden floor so it doesn't soak the carpet.

"I wasn't." I lied playing with my fingers.

"Mhm" he unzipped the bag and pulled out some candy and chips along with some old movies from the 90s and some new movies.

They were all scary movies so I got excited. Everyone that knew me knew I loved scary movies.

"I thought maybe we could watch some movies together. Maybe by the time the storm is over I can go back home." he said and I skilled at how sweet he was.

I jumped and hugged him but after a second I let go because I didn't want to cause any sexual tension.

I chose a movie from the 90s that I didn't really catch the name of but it was about some mass murderer.

I went and grabbed some blankets and cuddled up on the couch. About halfway through the movie I found myself laying down on Austin's lap with his fingers playing with my hair. I started slowly falling asleep until another crack of thunder broke through the house.

I jumped and put my whole body under the cover. I opened my eyes and came face to face with Austin's crotch. I heard him slightly groan from the contact and I suddenly felt the urge to touch it.

I came from under the cover and looked up into his eyes. He was already looking down at me with an unreadable look.

We shared a very lustfully look before I took my hand and started to palm him through his sweats. He threw his head back in pleasure and groaned.

I've only done this with one other person but it never led to sex just a hand job. I trail my fingers from his bulge to his abdomen.

I slowly kiss up his stomach to his chest then his neck to his jawline and finally his lips. There was nothing passionate about this kiss just lust. It was fast and rushed.

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