Chapter Three

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I stood outside the school building on my phone, waiting. I didn't want to head home just yet. I was texting a few friends when a felt two hands push me forward roughly, making my phone fly out of my hands.

"Hey, what the hell!" I shouted at I turned around.

Tiffany stood with a hand on her hip and a sly grin plastered on her face. Tiffany Redwood, my bully. Ever since I started coming to this school, she was a problem to me.

"Aww, what happened?" She faced an innocent face just to annoy me.

"Look, just piss off today. I'm not in any mood." I lied. I was just fine, I just didn't want to deal with her. I picked up my phone and brushed off any dirt on the screen.

"Who do you think you're talking to freak?" She snarled.

"You." I snapped in return.

She raised a fist to hit me. I covered my face and tensed myself, knowing I'm not much of a fighter, and waited to get hit. Seconds passed but nothing happened. I looked up to find Anthony in front of me, his arms out, protecting me. He'd taken Tiffanys hit for me. Though since he's taller than me she only managed to hit his chest.

"You weren't going to hit Lokki now, were you?" He asked in a stern voice.

Tiffany looked shocked and had no response. She only growled at me from behind Anthony and strutted off.

"Thanks." I said as he turned to me.

"Not much of a fighter are you?" He asked, grinning at me.

"No, more of a coward. But I do talk alot of smack." I smiled back at him.

"Yeah, I noticed." We began to walk.

"Hey, before during lunch, how did you know my name?" I asked. I've been wondering about it ever since I got to my next class.

"Your binder." He replied.

I nodded in response, not thinking about his answer much.

"And you?" He nudged my shoulder with his.


"How do you know mine?" He asked.

"Oh. The teacher told me." I decided to leave out the part about her acting like he wasn't there during class.

"Really?" He looked shocked.


Soon, our conversation carry on to pointless topics until I found myself at the front gate to my house. He grabbed my phone and put in his number and handed it back to me.

"I'll see you tomorrow and thanks again for that whole Tiffany situation." I smiled.

"Sure, it's no problem." He cracked me a smile of his own.

He watched me as I walked into my house, making sure I got in safety. I waved goodbye and shut the door.

I changed into my sweatpants and slippers and began to make myself a snack, seeing my medicine began to wear off. I haven't eaten all day because of that damn ADD medication, I have to take it just because I'm too stupid to pay attention in class.

About a half an hour phone rang, and I looked to see who it was. A random number. I threw it onto the couch, realizing seconds later  that it could be Anthony. I scrambled to the couch and threw myself at my phone, picking it up before it went to voice mail.

"Hey!! Hey, sorry about that..." I sheepishly apologized.

"It's okay." He laughed. "What took you so long?"

"Didn't know it was you." I sat up, putting the phone on speaker. I was home alone after all.

"That's fine, haha. So what's up?" He asked.

"Home alone, waiting for my older brother to get home." I replied.

"An older brother? Where are your parents?"

"We don't know, they just disappeared a while ago." I grabbed my phone and headed back into the kitchen to finish eating my snack.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Nah, it's fine. Me and Jake have survived this long. Just me, him and this stupid cat." I walked by Tokora, our black cat who sat on the counter and sat at in my room when I was done eating. "We get along pretty great here without them."

"How about you? What about your life at home?" I asked.

"O-Oh... Life at home..." His voice changed to deeply concerned.

"Anthony?" I asked after a long pause.

"Sorry, I just..." Another long pause. "I have to go, I'm sorry, I'll talk to you later okay?"

"No, wait Anthony I'm so-" He hung up.

"I'm sorry..." I said to myself. I threw myself back onto my bed and sighed heavily. "Oh God, I'm so stupid!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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