For the next few days, the sword became Ben's obsession. In his spare time he locked himself in his room and carved it to perfection. Well, as close to perfection as a first time carpenter can get.

At the end of three days, he emerged from his room in search of Tara.

"It's finished," he announced when he found her in the armory. How convenient that Gabriel was also there. The reason that they were both there did not even cross Ben's mind.

"Excellent," Gabriel said.

"What did you name it?" asked Tara expectantly.

Ben held the wooden tool in front of him and said in a reverent voice, "Adapt."

January 11

"So you know you want to go for a walk with me, right?" said Brendan.

Natalie looked up from her desk and smiled at the man lounging in her doorway. "How well you know me," she replied, getting to her feet.

Brendan took her hand and held it as they walked.

"So where are we going this fine evening?" she asked.

"I don't know. Wherever." He hesitated. "But there were some things I wanted to ask you, so let's go outside somewhere."

Once they reached the seclusion of an empty practice field, Brendan turned to Natalie.

He said nothing, so Natalie encouraged him, "Ask away."

"Right. So I was wondering. You never actually said where you were from."

Natalie frowned. Why'd he have to choose that question? "I already told you that. I'm from Rocky Creek. And I don't know where it is."

"You know I don't believe that. I think you know where it is. I just want to get to know you better, that's all." He met Natalie's gaze. "Trust me."

"I do trust you," Natalie returned. "But I'm warning you now that you're going to think I'm crazy."

"Try me. You'd probably be surprised."

Natalie took a deep breath and looked at the ground. "Okay. Well, first off, I really am from a town called Rocky Creek. And I really don't know where it is. But, yes, there is more. It's kind of, well, in the future. I think." She glanced up into his dark brown eyes quickly. "You think I'm crazy," she assessed.

"No, I don't think you're crazy. I just think that it's kind of odd. And Ben's from there, too?"

Natalie nodded. "We went to school together. He was tutoring me in algebra."

"That's math, right?" he asked, arching an eyebrow.

Grinning, Natalie agreed. "Yeah. That's math."

"Don't you want to go back home?" asked Brendan.

Natalie shook her head. "No. This is home now. But even if I did want to go back, I don't know how."

"What about Ben? Does he want to go back?"

She snorted. "Definitely not. See, Ben had a," she struggled for the right word, "difficult family situation. His brother was abusive and his parents weren't smart enough to figure it out. If he ever does go back, it won't be until he's stronger than his brother. And after he's gotten good at swordsmanship. They don't have swords in our day anymore," she explained. "Not a whole lot of horses, either. We have other ways of transportation. That's why Ben couldn't ride when we got here."

"Oh." That was all Brendan could think of to say. "So how is it that you knew how to ride?"

"Horseback riding is more like a hobby where I come from, and it's an expensive hobby. I was just lucky that I came from a family who could afford it."

They walked and talked for another hour or so, Brendan asking a question about one aspect or another of Natalie's life. Natalie would answer truthfully, then explain what a TV was, or a car, or a radio, or a movie theater, or a movie, or….

"Thanks for your honesty," Brendan told her when they came once more to her rooms. "Even with how strange it is, I believe it."

Natalie smiled. "Thank you for listening. It's been hard keeping it a secret from you."

Brendan leaned in and kissed her gently.

"Good night," he whispered in her ear.

"Good night," she agreed. Then she slipped into her room and shut the door softly behind him.

"Good morning, Natalie," Ben greeted her. Natalie walked swiftly to the table where Ben sat and took a seat across from him.

"Morning," she said sullenly.

"What's wrong?" he asked, concerned.

"Nothing really important. I'm just feeling a little homesick. Well, not homesick really, because I am home. But, you know what I mean, I was missing Rocky Creek."

Ben glanced around to make sure no one else was within hearing distance. They were the only two people at the table.

"Yeah, I do know what you mean. I had the hardest time sleeping last night. I miss air conditioning! It's amazing what you take for granted."

"Yeah, it is."

"So wha-" he broke off suddenly as Brendan came to sit beside Natalie.

"Oh, it's alright," Natalie told Ben. "He knows."

Brian raised his eyebrows, but continued cautiously. "So what do you miss most?"

"Modern hairbrushes! Mine is a nightmare. It drags and pulls and I think I'm going to go bald from it!"

Brendan laughed. "That's exactly what Mara and my mother say."

"I also miss school. Do you know, I even miss Mrs. Broadnax. I miss algebra, can you believe!"

Ben smiled sadly. "I do, too."

Brendan put his arm around Natalie's shoulders. "I'll help you both find a way home if you'd like," he offered.

"No, I'll be fine. Like I told you before, this is home now. If I went back, I'd miss you more than I could stand. Well, I'd miss Tara and Gabriel, too, but I'll be honest. I'd miss you most," Natalie said.

Ben rolled his eyes and got up. He never stayed for long when they started getting all mushy. He always started to wonder what it would be like if he was in Brendan's place.

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