chapter 5

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Mateo " Will you be my girlfriend "

Grace *I took a long hard thought about what the girl said earlier then I ignored it "Yes I will be ur girlfriend "

Mateo *picks her up *

Grace *laughs*

Mateo " what u bout to do "

Grace " go home gotta watch m little brother "

Mateo " okay I'm FaceTime you " *he put Grace down *

Grace " okay "

we walked to my house then Mateo walked as texted me that he made it home like he always does I showed quickly and then I laid down with my 6 month old brother then Teo texted me
T=Teo , G=Grace

T - Wyd bae

G- watching tv bored af , wyd

T - Nun tryna find something to do 

G - get on FaceTime

T - OK

we FaceTime for hours until I went to sleep then Teo went to sleep finally after he got done eating he always eating I was sleep until my brother started crying and I had to feed him

then we all slept and I left my phone on FaceTime I didn't really feel like exiting it

that's how my night went

see u next chapter ❤

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