Chapter 4-Rebecca

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Thank you all so much for reading this book! And CHEERS! To the the new book cover made by @LeakyCauldron, she's awesome! >.<

I thought that I'd try a new style of writing, one with side comments that you, readers are probably thinking written down with the story. No copycats! ^-^ I already told you what would happen to my sister, right? Thought I think that it was for the promotions...



Anywho, let's do this! (for you kuya XD)


Thea's POV

We were walking down the street in silence, the awkward kind. It seemed hard to make a conversation with Bruce for he doesn't really show interest in anything.

So he's anti-social...?

"How far is your house?" Bruce suddenly asked, surprising me. "U-um, About a twenty minute walk from h-here." I informed him.

You stuttered...why?

He nodded before smiling down at me. I noticed something different in his smile, it was crooked as though he was forcing himself to smile.

It's not his fault, I guess. His mom is in the hospital, coma. Plus, I don't know how to start a conversation without leading to an awkward topic with guys, I can only communicate with girls since I don't have any brother's.

Brothers, huh...mine's gone already.

I was still holding the music box. I don't know why, but when Bruce tried to get it back, I slapped his arm and clutched it to my chest like a maniac. After that, he didn't protest at all he just let me hold it.

Probably didn't want to get assaulted by a certain "maniac"

Suddenly, the lamp posts in the street shattered and I saw a woman. I started shaking like mad. "What is it?" Bruce asked, obviously not seeing what I was seeing.

Yeah, I just thought that Bruce should be blind here, sue me.

The woman was pale, very pale. Her matted black-grayish hair looked as though she hadn't brushed it in ages. She was wearing a white dress which looked as though somebody cut it, really messily. She stretched out her bony fingers towards me.

"Can't you see her?" Bruce looked at me like I was mad.

Which you probably are.

"You can see me?" The woman spoke in a cold, raspy voice that sent multiple shivers down my spine. I looked around for who she was talking to. Then I realized,

She was talking to me.

Why didn't you just ignore her?! *Groans*

Her wide eyes landed on the box in my hands and her eyes widened even more. "Give it to me." I shook my head, which seemed to make her mad. "Give. It. To. Me!" She said slowly as if I couldn't understand her and she needed to say her words in a really steady manner.

"What's happening?!" Bruce asked frantically. I grasped his hand tightly and he gasped. "What is that?!"

"You can see her too?!" He shook his head. "Only when you touched my hand, how did you do it?" I shook my head. "I have no idea..."

"What should we do?" He asked.


"Let's j-just give it to h-her." I suggested shakily and Bruce shook his head violently. "No way! My mom almost died trying to get this, I'm not just gonna throw it away!"

Ehem! Can you hear me? I said RUN, as in R-U-N! Ya know, walking but faster?!

"Well, what are we gonna do that thing is after this and-ah!"

The woman was now in front of me. How the hell did she move so fast?! "Give it to me!!!" She screeche as her body became red not white.

More like, wailed.

She snatched the box out of my hands and Bruce lunged at her, trying to pull the box away. But I couldn't see her anymore, all I could see was Bruce pulling the box, looking like he was having tug-of-war with thin air.

Imagining sorta amusing.

I sat there on the ground in shock, my heart was beating so fast that I'm sure I lost a week of my life.

Then by accident, Bruce opened the box.

The soft sound of the melody engulfed the air as Bruce fell, asif in slow motion to the ground. "No!!!" The ghost wailed and let go of the box.

And it fell,

right in front of me.

The ghost tried to get to it but since it was nearer to me, I hurriedly grabbed it and the ghost touched it before looking at my face, she froze and the red color became a faint white. I trembled in fear.

Her mouth was ajar and a couple of seconds past before she screeched and shuffled away from me. "You didn't tell me! Forgive me!" She said and kneeled down on the ground, almost as if she were...afraid?

Of what? Me?

Most probably, since she is kneeling on the ground and begging for forgiveness from you.

"Milady Rosalie, please forgive my rudeness! Please do not look at me!" I looked at her confused. "Rosalie? I'm not-!" I saw Bruce weakly grabbed my arm as he crouched on the ground and shook his head. 'Play along' His eyes told me and I nodded. Seeing how painful the melody was to Bruce, I closed it.

Finally did something smart.

"I'm sorry and you are?" I tried an attempt to make my voice sound unafraid but I failed epically as my voice broke at the edge. "You don't remember me?" I shook my head slowly.

Of course she doesn't you're a friggin' ghost!

"I am Rebecca, servant of the Sonata household." My eyes widened.

"I'm sorry...What?!?!?!?"



Thank you all for your support! ^-^

S(he) be(lie)ve(d)


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