Chapter 5: Reunion

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Charlie and three year old Charles Flynn heads off to UES. Caroline always so happy to see her grandson and she often buys him toys and clothes.

"Charlotte, have you given any thought of what I say the other day?", she asks.

Caroline suggests that Charlie should marry in order to give a stable life for Charles Flynn. "Mum, dad did a great job raising me, so I don't need a man to help me raise my child", says Charlie.

"I'm worried when he'll ask about his father", says Caroline.

"I have dad, I have the Reagans, I have Chuck, Nate and Dan. I have you. If he asks I will tell him the truth", says Charlie.

"Poor child. He shouldn't be born in such circumstances", says Caroline.

"He did and I will raise him right so he'll not repeat his parents' mistake", says Charlie.

Later, she takes Charles Flynn for lunch with Chuck, Blair and Nate. Nate loves cooing the child with funny faces.

"So, you've truly come back", says Blair.

"I'll start with NYPD next week", says Charlie.

"What about Charles Flynn?", asks Chuck.

"He'll stay with my grandpa while I'm on shift", says Charlie.

"It's better to have you close to him", says Nate.

They eat and talk about Charles Flynn when Serena enters the room. She walks to Nate, but is surprised to see Charlie spoon feeding her son.

"Hey..., Charlie", says Serena, awkwardly.

"Hey, Serena. How's Santorini?", Charlie tries to be civilized, yet she just have to be sarcastic.

"Charlie, behave yourself", says Blair. Of course, she's defending her best friend.

"Well, it's fun to see you guys, but Flynn and I have a date with grandpa", says Charlie.

Chuck and Blair opt to stay while Nate gets up. "Yeah, um, I have a meeting to go to", he says. He helps Charlie with Charles Flynn's bag before leaving with Charlie.

He sends Charlie to the 71st Precinct before heading off to his meeting. Charlie walks in and immediately the women all hover at Charles Flynn until Captain Charles Reagan's voice bellows, ordering them back to work.

"Gwanpa!!!", Charles Flynn toddles his way to his grandfather.

"So what brings you here?", asks Charles.

"I'm just taking him out. A little bonding time", says Charlie. Charles kisses her temple and then tickles little Charles Flynn.


That night, Charlie tucks in her son and watches as the boy slowly falls asleep, clutching his Darth Vader plushy. Charlie is about to go to bed herself when Henry calls for her.

"There's a woman outside looking for you. Serena, I think that's what she said", says Henry. To be honest, Charlie doesn't want to see her, but that was more than three years ago.

Serena paces at the front porch when Charlie comes out. The two just stand there in silence. Serena is sweating, nervous.

"Charlie..., I want to say I'm sorry. I know, three years ago..., it was my fault. If I hadn't say all those things, we would still be friends. If I knew, I'd make him go back to you", says Serena.

"For what? So he'd bail on this child like he did to me all these years? I'm just glad you woke up and see him for who he is and I'm sorry he hurt you", says Charlie.

"Everyday, I keep thinking..., this boy is going to grow up without his father just like I did. How could I do such thing? I tried talking to Carter, but you know him", says Serena. "Can we just put everything behind us? Forget Carter and maybe we can start back?", Serena suggests.

"Perhaps..., maybe one day I will forgive you", says Charlie. It wasn't her fault anyways.

"Thanks, Charlie. It means so much to me", says Serena. The two hug and Charlie watches as Serena's cab disappears from the neighbourhood back to the city.

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