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Warrior Cats belongs to Erin Hunter and I in no way claim ownership of the series.

Spleckedcloud opened his eyes. He was in an unfamiliar moorland clearing littered with large, smooth boulders. Then a starry, small cat appeared and with a jolt, Speckledcloud realized that this was Berrykit, his dead littermate

"Hello, Speckledcloud. It's great to see you again." The small tabby kit mewed.

"Y-you too." Speckledcloud Stammered.

"I have something to tell you, Speckledcloud this is very important. It will effect all clans."

A pang of nervousness hit Speckledcloud as he followed the Starry spirit to one of one of the smooth boulders.

"There are times of war coming." Berrykit said as soon and Speckledcloud sat down.

"When?" Speckledcloud asked.

"I can't tell you that!" Berrykit snapped.


"It's alright. Anyways there will be a loss of a leader. And a new and strong leader will rise in their place." He continued. Speckledcloud listened in astonishment.

"You hint that there will be times of War but do not specify how many," the young tomcat meowed. "I will join StarClan one day."

"Yes my brother, you will. However, you still have a lot of time left down in the first with FlameClan. More then I ever did." he said, hanging his head.

"Don't say that!" Speckledcloud blurted out.

"Why shouldn't I say something if I know that it is true?" Objected Berrykit. Speckledcloud did not reply.

Suddenly, the stars disappeared. Leaving only the soft light of the moon.

"The stars are gone!" Yowled Speckledcloud.

"Yes! They are. Anyways Speckledcloud, I have a prophecy for you. Once the shadows cover the sky, only the flames of fury can bring back the sun."

  "What's that supposed the mean?!" Speckledcloud blurted out

"You have to figure this out on your own, Speckledcloud. I am not here to guide you like a queen would a helpless kit." Berrykit stated as he faded away.

"No! Wait!" Yowled Speckledcloud but without luck. Berrykit had already faded.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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