A Frosty Romance❄

Start from the beginning

Blizzaria dragged her sister through the crowds but eventually Demona grew tired of deing dragged so she sped up to walk next to her sister. Blizzaria let out a sigh of relief, her arm was starting to get tired. Even though she wasn't dragging her sisters dead weight anymore, Blizzaria found it hard to navigate past the humans. It made sense, since they were yo-kai they couldn't see them. She could hear Demona cursing at them whenever they past, she never cared for humans. The only exception was Nate, and that was only because he saved her from the crank-a-kai.

Thankfully it wasn't long before they heard a familiar voice. "Well good evening, ladies."

The girls looked up. Blizzaria smiled at who she saw.

"Oh, Casanuva!" She said as he floated down to meet them. He flipped his long pink hair in a swave manner.

"Now, what are two lovely ladies like you doing away from the action?" He said giving a handsome haft smile. "Allow me to to escort you to the real party." He bowed over dramatically.

Demona scoffed at his actions. "Whatever lover boy, just take us to where the other yo-kai are."

Blizzaria glared at her sister but Casanuva didn't look faised in the slightest.

"Oh, a feisty one," he said. "I like that."

"Just show us the way," Blizzaria cut in politely. "Please, before she says anything more 'feisty'."

Casanuva chuckled. "Of course, right this way."

As the girls walked beside the handsome yo-kai Blizzaria thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to make some conversation.

"So Casanuva," she said breaking the silence. "What brings you hear? Hoping to charm some lucky yo-kai girl?"

He chuckled. "Usually, yes that would be the case. But I am actually hear on a mission tonight."

"What kind of mission?" Demona eyed him suspiciously. Casanuva crossed his arms and smirked proudly.

"I'm going to get my brother a girlfriend!"

"Oh," Blizzaria said. "I wasn't aware that you had a brother."

"Yes well," he seemed embarrassed. "He's not very popular. Maybe I could introduce you to him?"

"Yeah, how about no." Demona cut in.

"Demona!" Blizzaria scolded then turned back to Casanuva. "We would love to meet him."

He grined. "Great! I'm sure he would love to meet two cuties like you." He winked.

Blizzaria blushed and giggled while Demona just rolled her eyes, she was never fond of Casanuva's flirting.

The charming yo-kai suddenly looked ahead. "Look," he said. "We're hear!"

The sisters looked up. It was an area far away from the humans but no less decorated, and replacing the humans were yo-kai lining the streets.

Blizzaria gasped in excitement, while her sister huffed in annoyance.

"Great," she said crossing her arms. "More people to annoy me."

"Oh, quit being such a Negatibuzz. Come on, lets go!" Blizzaria said taking the lead with Casanuva following close behind her. After giving another annoyed huff, Demona followed suit as well.

Blizzaria looked around wildly trying to take in all of her surroundings. She didn't even notice that there was someone in front of her until she bumped into it and fell to the ground. That hurt.

She looked up and saw a yo-kai with a dragon scarf. A yo-kai she had not met before.

"Um... sorry." He said offering his hand to help her up. "Are you okay?"

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