"Hey! What are you doing outside it is freezing!" Felix wrapped his arms around me to warm my body up but I was already drenched from the rain. "Oscar isn't at his house or at the dance studio."

I dared to look up at his face. It quickly transitioned from worry to terror as he caught a glimpse of my face.

"Emm... Alisha your skin is white you look sick, you should go sit down inside where it is warm." Felix swung me up in his arms and carried me inside the building.

He was just as shocked as everyone else was when he saw the state of the Artist House.

Katia stood by the window watching the rain, Daff and Omar sat in the remaining desks that stood unharmed, OG sat in the middle if the room while Felix sat against the back wall wrapping his arms around my freezing body.

The room was quiet; the only noise was the rain drumming against the windows.


Omar stood up and began cleaning up the room.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He turned to face me. "You all seemed to give up looking for Oscar, and my home is completely destroyed." He continued looking around the room and moved rubble out of the way. "I want my home to feel like a home not a place of broken dreams."

He pushed up a desk so it was standing right side up and caught sight of a small pool of blood.

"Emm...Alisha come look at this."

I stood up and fixed my eyes to where Omar was looking.

"whose blood do you think that is?"

"Well...I know who I hope it's not." he answered.

If Oscar was striked he would have moved to a secluded place where he was safe.

"Oscar's hiding place!" I shook my head back to life.

"What are you talking about?" Omar furrowed his eyes towards me.

"Oscars secret hid...stay here trust me!"

I found my way to the water’s edge to where Oscar and I had spent time alone together.

I ran down the flight of wet and slippery stone stairs until I reached the cove of darkness.

The couch that laid in the center of the space was occupied by a person.

I placed my arm on the body and shook the arm.

Hey! wake up!"

I heard a familiar moan.

"Oh my god! Oscar!" I plunged myself on top of him. My fingers were shaking vigorously as I grabbed his sweater pulling him towards me. I literally couldn't get close enough to him fast enough.

He propped himself up until he got a glimpse of my face.

His expression was blank until his eyes focused to my face. His head was slipping through my fingers from the cold stiffness of my muscles. I held his face in my hands forcing him to look at me. His eyes widened and eyebrows rose.

He was literally speechless. He sat up and wrapped his arms around me shaking just as violently as me.

I ran my fingers through his hair. My Oscar was in my arms... Safe.

Tears of happiness escaped from

his eyes. He smiled ear to ear and pursed his cold lips against mine.

Words cannot begin to describe the kiss we shared. He pushed my legs around him and laid me down on the couch. His lips were soft yet strong. Our embrace hit its climax.

Trip of a Lifetime - The Fooo Conspiracy (Oscar Enestad)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz