•●Chapter One●•

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Max was sitting on his sofa, taking cute pictures on snapchat with the dog filter because he's lowkey a hoe. He was waiting for Ian to get home from work at  Claremont toyworld, when he realised he told Ian he would make dinner for when he gets home. He got up and walked towards the fridge. He grabbed a couple eggs and whipped up an 'Omelette du fromage' (I am so sorry). He thought while he was at it, he'd make Ian a cake. Just when he was about to cook the batter, he cut off a strand of hair and put it in the middle of the cake "For you, cancer man.", then he put it in the oven to bake.

-Time skip-

Ian walked through the front door to see Max sitting in the kitchen. He sat opposite him. "Where's my dinner, faggot?" Max slid a plate of cheese omelette towards Ian and whispered in his ear "Omelette du fromage." After Ian finished eating he stood up. "Not so fast." Said Max. Ian looked confused. "I baked you I cake" "Oh." Ian sat back down whilst Max brought the cake over to him. "The fuck, Max?" The cake had yellow butter-cream frosting (which resembled bile) lazily spread across the cake with an edible Disney Princess paper sticker in the middle. "Just fucking eat it, cunt." After about two bites Ian gagged on the hair. Max giggled as he watched him struggle to eat the cake. Ian sat up and pushed Max against the wall. "Cunt." Max could feel Ians warm breath close to his face. He leaned forward until his lips touched Ians and they embraced in a warm kiss. They both pulled back after a few seconds. Ian chuckled as he whispered in Max's ear, "what are you fucking gay?" After those words the front door burst open. It was Frank.  "WHAT ARE YOU TWO FAGGOTS DOING?" They both jumped back, "Frank? What are you doing here?" Ian asked. "..that's besides the point, the fuck are you two doing?" Ian opened his mouth but before he could speak Max interrupted "Frank, we already told you, me and Ian are dating." Frank seemed unhappy "Nah, miss me with that gay shit...I'll just go back to Ethan, see if he wants some breadsticks from 'Olive Garden' or something.." and with that he left. "He's really fucking weird, Ian." "yeah.."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2016 ⏰

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