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I am Park Mi Chin 14 years old. In Korean Michin means crazy so my name really suits me. I have a bestfriend Samantha, Samantha is quite funny, pretty, tall, but not that smart. We are bestfriends since we are 6 yrs. old. Her family and my family is close to each other, that's why we became bestfriends. 

For me she is my eonni (girl's older sister) since i have no brother or sisters. Her older brother Gary really likes me, but i also treat him like my oppa (girl's older brother). We share each others things like make-ups, bags, books and other stuffs.

We were transferring schools in the Philippines, I don't know why but my appa said he was working and studying there when he was in his 20's. My Grandmother is a Filipino that's why he studied there. Since me and Samantha were bestfriends she ask her parents to go with me, and they agree.

Tomorrow morning is our flight to the Philippines, I am exited but so nervous 'cause i've never been there... So, bye see ya tomorrow

Annyeong! Thanks for reading this.... Fighting !!! please wait for the next ep. !!

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