o l i v e s

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❝Roses are red, pizza sauce is too, I ordered a large and none of its for you.❞


Staring intently at the picture frame in front of her, Safire questioned the existence of wrapping paper. I mean, it was impossible to wrap around a present, even something as simple as a picture frame! Safire considered tearing up the thin yellow material with sky blue polka dots, but decided against it.

With a deep breath, she carefully but determinedly cut out yet another square from the roll of decorated paper, and sat the present on top of it.

Inside the picture frame was a photo of her and her boyfriend, Syd. Tomorrow was their 3 year anniversary — yes, they had dated since Safire was 14 — and Safire really wanted to make him happy.

She folded the side of the bit of wrapping paper over the frame, covering up her authentic smile and leaving Syd's artificial one. She sighed, remembering how hard it was for Syd to crack a smile, and how hard it was to make him happy.

Safire really hoped he liked the present...

After half an hour of careful wrapping and audible cursing if she slightly ripped a corner, she finally finished wrapping the godforsaken gift and realised...

The wrapping was inside out.

UGH!! She cried, ripping off the paper with great ferocity. ❝It can be delivered unwrapped, She scowled.

She sat the frame onto her bedside table and folded her arms over her chest in dissatisfaction, then stormed off into the bathroom to have a late night, comforting shower.

By 11:34pm she was ready for bed. She crawled in and wrapped herself in warm cotton blankets. That was the only wrapping she could do.

Her heavy eyelids started to close, and she was out as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Safire's eyes slowly opened as the first light of the day shone through the translucent curtains that provided privacy for her and her childish bedroom. She felt like crawling down further into her cotton candy coloured duvet, but then she remembered that she needed to get this present to Syd.

With legs that felt like lead and eyelids that were as heavy as boulders, Safire dragged herself away from her bed and into her closet, and started searching for all the clothes that Syd had ever bought for her to put together the perfect outfit for today.

But the unfortunate thing was, the only thing Syd had ever bought for her was an ice cream from a store called Waffle Cones on there first date, three years ago. I mean, yeah, the ice cream tasted delicious and Safire was totally grateful, but she just wished that Syd would prove that he still loved her.

With a heavy sigh and a prodigious thought that Syd's love for Safire was decreasing, she continued searching through her closet for something to wear.

In the end, she decided on a simple but casual outfit consisting of a bubble gum blue loose tank top, ocean blue denim shorts and black low-top converse shoes.

Quickly and messily, Safire roughly dutch braided her hair and picked up the present from the bedside table. Tucking the frame under her armpit, she jogged down the stairs and was just about to open the door when her phone buzzed in her pocket.

After struggling to get the phone out of her pocket with her abnormally short fingers, she finally managed to check the ID of the caller, and was surprised to see it was Syd. Nervously, she pressed the Answer button, and held the phone up to her ear.

Hello? She asked. Syd audibly cleared his throat on the other end of the call.

Hey, I need to talk to you, he muttered, even though Safire could hear him clearly.

Okay, shoot, she replied, her eyebrows crinkling together in utter confusion.

I've found someone else, he said, sighing in the process. The air was knocked out Safire's lungs. She chuckled, until she realised he wasn't joking.

W-what do you mean?

Let me repeat myself — I've found someone else. And I'm dead serious. It's over. He said, and by the tone in his voice, he didn't have to say he was serious for Safire to know he was telling the truth.

With a heart-broken gulp, she shakily asked; ❝Who is she?

You won't know her, he mumbled, and without a thought, he hung up, and Safire was left alone in her small, lonely house.

But, of course, she still had pizza!

[A/N Points to those of you who spotted the evethespy (Waffle Cones) reference! Hope you enjoyed <3]

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