2 Invasion and Persuasion

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I much on my sandwich, tiredly. Everyone is talking excitedly about some video game they found in the crawl space with an ancient system.

"I love that game, too!" Ivy gushed.

"Really?" Abbye grinned.

"Yes!" Her cheeks turned red.

"Do you...wanna go play on it?" He asked hesitantly.

"Uh, YES!" She jumped to her feet.

"Oh, here we go again," Aisha rolled her eyes. Lately the air around her was cold. Fia sat silently next to me. We both shared a faraway hope. That somehow Kia would still be alive. We knew it was pointless but we all still hoped. Evan was on my other side he was brood eating. He used to do it all the time. It was where he'd be mad and eat angrily, aggressively taking bites. If I hadn't had all the happiness sucked out of me like a grim vacuum I would've laughed. The thing about grief is that it doesn't go away. It hovers like a black fog. Ominous and lingering like crows, picking at the bones of the depressed.

"Fia," I nudge her quietly. She looks up. "Want to go sit on the beach?"

"Mhm," she murmurs.

"It's not safe," Colby says.

"No, I'll go with them," Evan jump to his feet.

"No, it's alright," I say softly.

"But it's dangerous!" Evan argues. Fia creates a small flame on her finger. I let the electricity run through my veins, giving Evan a small shock. Not painful, just enough for him to notice. The electricity reluctantly crawls back up into where ever it goes. I feel normal again.

"Okay, okay!" He sighs.

The surf dancing against our ankles as we sit on the beach.

"Does water affect you?" I ask Fia.

"No, it just makes me a little tired," she replies, her eyes searching the lake. Mine do too. We are both searchers. Searchers of hope. Searchers who are too stubborn to quit even though it's only logical.

"Oh," I say softly. We sit in silence for a long time. Finally Fia sighs.

"I miss him..." her voice cracks.

"M-me too," I feel my eyes well up. I glance at Fia, tears are streaming down her cheeks. I wrap my arms around her. A sparrow lands on my shoulder. I brush her off.

"Please. Go. Leave us," I croak. She nods, soaring back to the cabin.

"I better make sure everything's okay, she wouldn't come out if  it was," Fia sighs. Detaching herself and standing up.

"Okay, I'll stay here," I reply softly. I sit in silence. The cool water washing my feet. I let the tears fall. I shouldn't. But I do. It's okay to cry... I tell myself. I don't feel that it's okay. A warm hand touches my shoulder. "I told you, I'm fine, go inside."

"No, I don't think I will," Evan says, raking a hand through his hair. It's really long now.

"Do you want me to cut it?"

"Yes." He hands me a pair of scissors and I get to work, chopping it down.

"I want it kinda short," Evan says.

"How short exactly?"

"Mmm...take off three inches we'll go from there," He stares at me the entire time.

"Remember the day I woke up in a hospital?"

"What after you fainted in the Café's bathroom?"

"Yeah," I reply, snipping off a particularly long strand of hair. "Well the reason I fainted was the first time I realized I was electric."

"Really?" His hazel eyes are glued to my face and I finish, handing the scissors to him. Our hands brush against each other's. "Kayla, I'm sorry I kissed you...I just... When you kiss me... it's like you're kissing someone else..."

I look away. I can't do this right now.

"I will always be waiting for you, Kayla. If you never are ready, I'll wait till I'm dead. Because I love you and you mean the world to me," He turns my head to him.

"No. Stop. I'm going inside," I say emotionlessly, standing up. My heart swells with sadness and I can feel my throats and eyes burning in ache to cry.

"I can't talk to you anymore, can I? This ruined more than our lives it ruined our friendship... it ruined us. You're different. I'm different."

"Go home, Evan. We don't need you here anymore. This isn't your fight. It's mine. It's the rest of the Elementions. You'll just hold us back. I can't worry about you in battle. So go home. I don't need you," I say, my back still turned. Tears threatening to spill.

"Okay. If-If that's what you want.." I can practically hear his heart breaking. I choke back a cry and make my way to the cabin.

"Where were you?!" Bianca spits.

"Outside," I answer indifferently. I know everyone is starring at my puffy face but I don't care.

"We need you! There's a drone or something with a camera!" Ivy says, eyes wide in fear. Her eyes are chocolate brown. Ivy's eyes reflect her poisoness saliva.

"Why couldn't you guys do it?"

"We tried! I made a giant gust of wind but it just sat in the air! We don't want to get close to it because who knows what it could be. We've tried blinding it, freezing it, melting it...NOTHING!" Colby says exasperate.

"Okay, okay!" I mutter. I flick the switch and feel electricity fill my veins with energy. My skin buzzes and the air sizzles. The clouds shift from light fluffy white to dark menacing gray. They gather ominously and rumble with thunder. Water patters on the ground and the small object hovering near the window stares unblinkingly. I can feel the clouds getting restless wanting to release their energy. I let them. A giant beam of pure white lightning hits the object and it falls, steaming. The ground shakes as the lighting retreats and silence follows, the sky turning blue again and the sun peeks out.

"Go check on Evan," I tell Bianca. She turns into a little sparrow and vines creep up the house cracking the window enough for her to slip out.

"Show off," Abbye rolls his eyes after she's gone. We sit in anxious silence awaiting Bianca's return. I feel guilty for yelling at Evan. As soon as he get's back I'm going to apologize. But I don't regret telling him to go home. He has a life still. He could have it back. Abbye rolls a ball of light between his palms. Ivy watches. A sad look crosses her face then she looks away. Fia and I share a chair and the rest talk in hushed voices. Suddenly a chirp of alarm sounds and Bianca flutters back in.

"Guys!" She turns into a girl, collapsing on the floor.

"What?" Colby raises his eyebrows.

"Evan's gone! They're here! They've found us!" She pants.

Hi! It's almost Christmas break and I'm going to probably do an Elemention's Christmas special! I haven't started break yet so yeah. I've been kinda busy lately but I'm not really doing much this week or next week so I'll try to update between there! :)



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