Well, it IS a mistletoe

618 18 6

Warnings: Fluff 

Words: 1,151

"How's the book coming?" You call out to Newt as you attempt to pin up one of the little Christmas penguins that were way too overpriced in the store, but way too cute to pass up. Newt had been writing almost all day, and you had wished him to help you decorate but didn't want to ask because you knew how important the book was to him. Besides, this would be the first Christmas he spent in a No-Maj home so it wasn't like he had any clue what was going on; what he did know though that you found joy in hanging up expensive little cut-out animals throughout the walls of the house. 

"Alright, but it's getting quite peculiar." He mumbled but continued writing. Watching him hunched over the desk with his reading glasses on was something you could honestly watch all day, he looked so adorable when focused. 

"Peculiar? What's more peculiar than having a case full of mystical creatures Newt?" You asked with a chuckle but cursed under your breath when your cute little penguin fell off the wall. 

You didn't even understand why you spent so much money just to decorate, some found it crazy while you found it delighting. There was just something about using the same decorations each year that dulled your mood, you had to spice it up; make it different each year. The only regret you would have is always buying the decorations that don't like to stay up. 

As you stepped off the stepping stool, though, you couldn't help but notice the penguin levitating in the air slowly - turning upright so that it's looking at you and moving slightly back and forth in a rocking movement. Sighing, you cross your arms and direct your gaze towards Newt, who, had his wand out and seemed to be pointing it towards the ornate object. The best part of it all was that he wasn't even looking at you. 

"I believe buying odd inanimate animals and hanging them up around your house for the sole part of celebrating a holiday is very peculiar, love." 

Rolling your eyes, you quickly snatch the penguin out of the air and get back on the stool, attempting to put it back on the wall. 

"Because Christmas is a wonderful Holiday, watching the snow outside as if you're peering into a snow globe is one of the greatest feelings in the world - as long as you're not outside because it's cold as hell out there. Decorating the house just lightens up the spirit of Christmas, gets people in a better mood. I just wanna see all the smiles on children's faces, it makes me happy." 

Even as you told him all of this, you were blushing like crazy. 

You heard the sound of something closing and figured he must have closed his book for it was that same sound you heard nonstop anymore. 

"Would you like me to make you some hot - oh!" You gasp as you suddenly feel his arms wrap around your waist and lift you off the stool. 

"I am very pleased to be spending my first muggle Christmas with you." He mumbles before spinning you around and leaning in to press his lips against yours, but you stop him before he could. 

"Uh uh, nope. Another muggle tradition, one does not kiss unless they are under the mistletoe." You point out, raising your head high and smiling. "Now I gotta finish decorating, go back to writing your book." 

He pulls you close to him, hugging you tightly. "No, I wanna help you. You put so much heart into it all, I would like to be a part." 

"You have my heart, you know that." You pull away so you could look into his eyes. 

"Yeah, but I want to be a part of something so important to you. So that means we must continue decorating!" 

Chuckling, you gently push him away and look around for something he could do. Truthfully, there wasn't much left besides pin up the peculiar little animals you had bought. You picked up one of the bags and handed it to him, along with some little pins. 

With a shrug of your shoulders, you passed him the bag. "Put these wherever your heart desires Newt." 

He rummaged through it a little and looked at you with that adorably confused expression he tended to do a lot. "Anywhere? You trust me with this?" He chuckles. 

"Of course I do, now get to work!" 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Time was passing like dust in the wind, you were so concentrated and caught up in your own work that you didn't even bother to question how or what Newt was up to or if he needed any help. Perhaps it was because he wasn't muttering about a single thing, you weren't quite sure but you were lost in your own world to care even the slightest.

That was until you were spooked by the feeling of his arms being wrapped around your waist from behind, his lips finding a way to sneak themselves in the crook of your neck only to plant them directly on your weak spot. 

"Can I have that kiss now?" He mumbles, spinning you around. 

You parted your lips to protest, but they immediately turned into a sort of gape when you happened to peek past him and see the brightly colored decorations surrounding his usual work area, but there was something about the way he did it that told you he must have used some of his magic. 

"Did you - 

Before you could finish the rest of your sentence, his lips silence you and the only sounds that were emitted were the quick heartbeats that were starting to form caused by the feeling of his soft lips against yours. 

As much as the electricity between the two of you was exciting, it's the month of Christmas and therefore the tradition must still stand. 

"What did I tell you about the - 

"Mistletoe?" He cuts you off, furrowing his brows and looking up in confusion. Following his gaze, floating directly above you was nothing more than a... mistletoe? 

Chuckling in disbelief under your breath, your eyes lazily find his and your mind searches for a way to scold him, but you had to admit it was a pretty smooth idea. 

"You're unbelievable, you know that?" 

Simply shrugging, he looks back up at the romantic plant above. "You said I could only kiss you under a mistletoe, and... well... it is a mistletoe, is it not?" 

Grabbing a hold of his face and bringing it back towards yours, you simply smile with a shake of your head before leaning in and pressing your lips against his once more. 

"Merry Christmas, Newt." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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