Seven Pups and Newt

648 14 7

Warnings: Fluff

Words: 625

"Make yourself at home Newt." You call out with a smile as you unwrap your scarf from around your neck and hang it on the coat stand. 

"U-um okay." 

"May I get you something to drink?" You ask as you head for the kitchen. "I have tea, coffee, orange juice..." 

"Some tea would be lovely, thank you Y/n." He places his case on the ground long enough to remove his jacket but then picks it right back up. 

You grabbed two tea-cup glasses from the cupboard and fish out your tea from another. "What kind of tea do you like? I have green, herbal, raspberry, peach... um, let me dig around and see what I can find." 

"Green tea would be just fine." 

"You know you can stay here tonight if you need too, I have a spare room. The tea will be a couple of minutes, are you hungry? I have snacks." 

"No, it's quite alright. Thank you for the offer, though, I have many errands I must obtain to tonight." You peek up long enough to see him pick up a bone-shaped squeezable object off the ground. Smiling, you take notice of how confused he seemed as he studied it. "What is this?" 

"A dog toy!" Turning up the notch on the stove, you place the kettle on top of the burner. 

"A dog toy?" 

You quickly move around the counter and down the hall to the last door on the right. "I probably should have gotten some more, they don't particularly like to share." You turn the knob of the door and open it, only to have a litter of seven puppies come dashing out of the room. 

"Wait, so you have - AH!" Newt screams when the seven puppies come scrambling to the living room, yelping with their little mouths. 

"What? Have you never seen puppies before?" You ask, walking back into the kitchen but as soon as you turned around to look back at him, Newt was already on the ground, letting the little ones jump all over him. 

"It's been a long time since I've seen such a creature like this!" He grins widely but doesn't look at you. Instead, he scrunches his face and lets some of the puppies lick him with their little tongues. 

The kettle starts to whistle, you grab two oven mitts and slip them on before grabbing the burning handle and pouring some water into both glasses, and then dipping two tea bags in each cup. 

"They seem to like you." 

Carefully carrying both of the glasses, oven mitts still on, you make your way over to the small chaos erupting where Newt was sitting and place the cups on the table. 

"Ah, I'm used to working with beasts so..." 

You cock a brow, slipping off the mittens only to have one of the pups swiftly tug it out of your hand. 

"I'm used to working with animals, it's just been a while since I've seen pups and trust me I've seen a lot of dogs, three of which who are huge and inseparable." 

You laugh at his oddness and take a seat on the ground across from him. Watching him play with the puppies was something you could watch for hours on end, Newt was so adorable to your eyes but there were so many secrets within him that you just couldn't figure out. You didn't have many friends and so all you had were your seven pups and hopefully, you would become closer to him. Knowing someone for only a couple of days wasn't exactly a 'friendship' but it was bound to be one if you played your cards right. 

For right now, though, seven pups and Newt make pretty good company. 

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